Moscow, July 13, 2015, 04:26 – REGNUM The body of the third deceased recovered by rescuers from under the ruins of the barracks, training center Airborne in the city of Omsk. It appeared to be conscripts, according to TV channel LifeNews, citing a source in the rescue service.
Of the 45 people who were in the zone of collapse, three people were killed and 19 sent to the hospital. Three soldiers were wounded irrelevant after first aid, they have refused hospitalization. According to a source of another 20 people are under the rubble of a building barracks. Work on the analysis of debris continues at night.
The tragedy took place in Omsk on Sunday, July 12, when part of the building collapsed barracks training center number 42 Airborne. There is currently no established causes of the tragedy, according to preliminary data, could provoke a collapse of the violation of bearing structures during the renovation of the building.
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