As a result of the collapse of the 242nd Airborne training center in the town of Bright Omsk region killed 23 people. The search for survivors continues. The cause of PE may be a violation of technology construction of the building. In fact the incident a criminal case under article “negligence».
On Sunday, in the Omsk region in the town of Bright roof collapsed 242nd Airborne training center in Omsk. According to the latest information, as a result of the incident 23 people were killed. Analysis of the debris and search for survivors continues.
Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to the bereaved families and relatives. “Supreme Commander of the Defence Minister receives reports on the progress of rescue work, the Minister entrusted with the necessary medical assistance to the victims in the accident; Defense Ministry reports provided to the President on a regular basis, “- said the president’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov.
« We have done and are doing everything possible to provide maximum assistance to the Russian Defense Ministry and minimize the negative effects of an incident, “- said on Monday at a meeting of the Regional Emergency Commission, acting governor of the Omsk region Viktor Nazarov.
The reason for the collapse of the building would be a violation of construction technology. “The building is new, built in approximately 2013. As one of the versions is considered a violation of technology in construction “, – said the source,” RIA Novosti “. “Talking about the specific reasons for the collapse of sections of the building is premature,” – said the spokesman of the Defense Ministry, Major-General Igor Konashenkov.
In fact the incident a criminal case under article “negligence.”
Kseniya Shevchenko

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