Monday, July 6, 2015

Leonid Melamed chained – Utro.Ru

The former head of the state corporation “Nanotechnologies” (now “RUSNANO”) Leonid Melamed , which the court sent under house arrest on charges of embezzling over 220 million rubles. , wearing an electronic bracelet. This was reported in the press bureau of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Monday, July 6.

“electronic bracelet to the suspect used the Friday after the election of a preventive measure. He put on record in criminally-executive inspections “- said the agency.

The term of house arrest the judge set Melamed before September 1. Serve a preventive measure it will be in the apartment on Leninsky Prospekt, the former head of the movement “Rosnanotech” will be monitored by an electronic bracelet. If necessary, he will attend the inspection staff.

Arrested forbidden to leave the apartment without the permission of the investigator, to use means of communication and the Internet. Call only for emergency calls. Communicate permitted only with close relatives, lawyers, investigators and members of supervisory services.

Previously, on Friday, July 3, investigators filed a petition Basmanny Court of Moscow on the election of the former head of “Rosnanotech” Leonid Melamed, a suspect in a major embezzlement preventive measure in the form of house arrest, spokesman Vladimir Markin TFR. “On Friday, the Basmanny court will consider the petition against the election of Melamed preventive measure in the form of house arrest” – he said.

Earlier, the press service of the court reported that it received a petition investigation on the conclusion of the former head of “Rosnanotech” custody. As noted

Markin, Melamed, his deputy, Andrei Malyshev, and treasurer of the corporation Svyatoslav drooping suspected of embezzlement of state corporations on a large scale – the damage is more than 220 million rubles.

According to the investigation, in the 2008 – 2009. Melamed, as both a co-owner of the investment and financial corporation “Alemar” (JSC “IFC” Alemar “), organized a conclusion” Rosnanotech “with this firm contract for the provision of consulting services under the guise that Malyshev and downcast within six months illegally transferred more than 220 million rubles ., allocated by the state corporation as a material contribution.

preparing the conditions for crime, Melamed hired in “Nanotechnologies” under his control ex-employees “Alemar” Malyshev and Ponurova, giving them authority on disposal of property of the corporation and the signature of any financial and settlement documents, Markin said.

“Put simply dismissing of” Rosnano “Melamed has created all the conditions for budgetary funds have been listed under its control company, securing thus the so-called “golden parachute”, – concluded the representative of the UK.

Melamed has denied in court the charges against him of embezzling 220 million rubles. and he asked not to deprive him of his liberty. “I consider the arguments of the investigation to be untrue, and is ready to render all possible assistance to the investigation to establish the truth,” – he said.


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