On Friday, the last meeting of the spring session of the State Duma finally approved two important draft laws – the basic law of the displacement of the parliamentary term federal campaigns, and document on the “right to oblivion”.
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For something to postpone the election in December on the third Sunday of September, they voted 339 deputies and opposed by 102 parliamentarians.
The fact that the members of the State Duma approved the bill, there was little doubt. On Wednesday, the Constitutional Court of Russia considered its adoption permitted under certain conditions. The Court held that the transfer of the parliamentary elections can be single, should not lead to a violation of the periodicity of elections and the continuity of the State Duma, and should be carried out beforehand to ensure that the electoral competition.
The document is almost not changed since the first reading. Communist Party initially opposed the concept of the bill as a whole, however, realizing that he could not prevent his passage, offered for the second reading the amendments to postpone the election on the first Sunday in November. This initiative was rejected by the lower house. Without the satisfaction of the Liberal Democratic Party and the amendment were to postpone the election on the first Sunday of September, or on the last Monday in April 2016.
Also, the LDPR faction unsuccessfully acted as amended, according to which proposed to cancel the rule of “golden parachutes”, or to the right not re-elected to a seventh Duma deputies voluntarily abandon conservation payments, guarantees and privileges to December 2016. Barely financial corrections communists called for the retention money until December 4 guarantees assistant deputy in the case of the sixth convocation nepereizbraniya for a new term. In addition, the deputies proposed to introduce a rule, according to which the dismissal of assistants made to the provision of social guarantees, as in the case of early termination of powers of a deputy.
No less resonance was created at a meeting of the bill received in the media the name of the “right to oblivion “in the Internet. The document obliges the search engines at the request of a citizen removed from the search results links to information about it. Now the user may require the removal of misleading and irrelevant information about it, as well as other data that violates the law. The exception is the information about the events containing elements of a criminal offense (as long as the terms expire criminal prosecution). Under the law also covered foreign Internet search engines, distributing advertising addressed to Russians. If the bill is approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President, it will come into force from January 1, 2016.
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The passage of the document was given the lower house is not easy: faced with the sharp criticism of the Internet community. As a result, members of the State Duma were
In closing the session, the Speaker Sergei Naryshkin said that the Russians have retained a steady level of confidence in the lower house. “Our convene fell to prove that the potential of parliamentarism in Russia is quite high, but still, of course, is not used to the full. The values of democracy are gaining weight, the level of public confidence in the State Duma is growing, and talking about this poll numbers,” – said the head the lower chamber. For example, according to VTsIOM, the approval of the State Duma held steady at around 50%.
The next session will be for parliamentarians at least simple, and perhaps more difficult, given the difficult economic conditions. Sergei Naryshkin said one of the principal tasks of enhancing the role of the legislature in the implementation of the budget and tax policy. “The international agenda underlines the importance of efficient solutions to our problems in intra economy, politics and the social sphere. Lower oil prices, the overall crisis in the global economy and the sanctions make us think not only about choosing a reliable partner, but also about the quality of our own, including budgetary and fiscal, policy, “- said the speaker. According to him, the Parliament is obliged to do everything to the budget figures for ministries and departments do not forget about the life of citizens, economic and social reality.
paid attention to the speaker, and international issues. He urged his colleagues to continue to monitor the current legislation of Ukraine. Valuable material has been accumulated, and Naryshkin hopes that he will need for the future legal assessments, conclusions of international decisions. It is sharply lower chamber chairman spoke about some of the politicians in Washington, calling it “pathetic clowns.” “No isolation of Russia – from the inside or from the outside – just not possible, and look pathetic clowns are some high-ranking Washington politicians who occasionally claim that they supposedly isolate Russia,” – said Naryshkin.
The speaker drew attention to the that over the past six months, deputies, like the entire country, have witnessed a variety of events, including the drama that recalled some historical parallels. This crisis in the economy, and fragments of the Cold War, and more. According to him, all the newly found that the world is fragile and is not without controversy, but Russian society – with all the diversity of views – always united when this unity is necessary to protect national interests. Here, Parliament plays a major role.
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