Sunday, July 12, 2015

Points over i – summed up the summit Vladimir Putin on the big press conference – the first channel

According to the president of the Russian Federation, today lay the foundation of a multipolar world countries with different levels of development, different types of economy, different approaches to the world threats, but the reality is they have one – it’s more than three billion people, or 40% of the population. And these countries are able to offer their way of common civilization.

According to the president of the Russian Federation, today lay the foundation of a multipolar world countries with different levels of development, different types of economy, different approaches to global threats, but the reality is they have one – it is more than three billion people, or 40% of the population. And these countries are able to offer their way of common civilization.

demonstrate what BRICS easy for the new emblem of the Development Bank, the launch of which was announced in Ufa. BRICS on it – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -stilizovany a compass on a globe. In each country – its arrow and its direction. So in fact, our country is very different, but the purpose of all one.

“All this develops naturally, no one drives will not. This is an extremely important thing. Why? Because all the participants in this process feel objective the need for cooperation. This is especially true need for more democratic principles of the construction of the world economy “, – said Vladimir Putin.

The world economy is divided into two unequal parts. West led by the United States, dictates the conditions of existence of all the rest, and not Western countries, developing, and represents the interests of BRICS. However, that is not a front-line tough confrontation, shows at least the fact that the same Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff a week before the trip to Ufa made a visit to the US, where President Obama spoke about the long-term cooperation.

Opponents BRICS even saw it as a split in the organization. But nothing like that happened. Exactly this same collaboration, it was in Ufa. None of the members of the BRICS is not confused. After all, China is the same – the main trading partner of the United States and also one of the largest partners of Russia.

Summing up the three-day political marathon in Ufa, where Vladimir Putin held a dozen bilateral meetings, he answered the question of what will with the world in 10 years, which is one of the journalists even painted on a poster. Will you have the BRICS, for example, has its own payment system, as an alternative to Western MasterCard and VISA?

“We need to fully run their plastic this year, make it available to our citizens. We have Visa and MasterCard serve 97% of clients in Russia. This is a normal situation? No. But we make it possible for our partners based on the fact that the economy is like politics. And it turned out – no, it is immersed in it, moreover, is used as an instrument of political struggle. Therefore, we will have to make conclusions for themselves, – said Russian President. – But that does not mean I have many times talked about this, that we need to protect ourselves some wall. It will not. We will use all the tools of cooperation with all – and with the United States and European countries, and Asian. But, of course, we will actively develop relations, including and especially those who want to cooperate with us. BRICS want it. Therefore, I am sure we will have to deal with the world more balanced, more secure and prosperous. “

Anton Vernitsky, First Channel: “For several reasons, the BRICS countries are now experiencing some difficulties: political and economic – in Brazil, the economic – in Russia, falling stock markets in China. How do you see a way out of this situation? “

Putin:” With regard to economic difficulties, they are everywhere. What is happening in Europe, we are well aware. In the United States, too, the slowdown. In this sense, the BRICS countries are no exception. I do not want to characterize what is happening in Russia. I have said this repeatedly: yes, there is a problem, yes, there is a drop in growth, including GDP. But at the same time, we have maintained our reserves, we have provided an acceptable rate of national currency, we have a trade surplus, the fundamentals of our economy is good reason to believe that we, too, shall overcome these difficulties “.

So, how important was the meeting in Ufa, history has shown with the arrival here of Hassan Rauhani. Arrivals his plane constantly postponed to a later date. Then all passed the information on cancellation of the visit. In Vienna, at this time there were negotiations, “six” on Iran’s nuclear program. But

Rauhani whose country of 80 million people is seeking membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is not the first year, the summit appeared. Just as Sergei Lavrov, a member of the Vienna talks on Russia.

Putin: “Almost all Foreign Ministers are now in Vienna, but our minister, but he assured us yesterday, we reliably monitor the progress of the negotiation process. And if we talk quite seriously, we really know what’s going on, our Minister in contact with its partners and colleagues in Vienna “.

Membership in the SCO, which is so sought Iran is possible only after the lifting of sanctions UN in the country. At the same time Russia, advocating for the complete abolition of the sanctions, is well aware that this will lead to a drop in oil prices. However, according to Putin, the Russian economy is ready for it: “We believe that this tool as sanctions in general should be removed from the lexicon of international economic and communication. It should not be used in the global economy, because it turns it on its head. We all have to live in a normal, natural conditions, and only in this case it is possible to ensure sustainable, stable and sound development “.

It should be understood that variants of economic pressure with political overtones to any objectionable country under the current order set. From this series, and anti-Russian Western sanctions, and the story of the Greek debt. Putin asked, did not ask whether the Greek prime minister in Russia’s debt.

Putin: “Mr. Tsipras did not apply to us for any help. It is generally understood that the figures because there are large. We know what is at stake, decisions should be made a fundamental nature. The issue is not about money. Of course, the Greeks can still shift, but if there were irregularities in their activities, where the European Commission? Why not make adjustments in the economic activity of previous governments of Greece? Where were they before? So there is something to talk about, and the Greek government have something to argue “.

At the same time a purely economic union and the BRICS, and designed to ensure the safety of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on key issues on the political agenda of the world look the same. The Ufa declarations adopted at the end of the summit and the BRICS and the SCO summit as a separate item, related both to safety and to the economy, highlighted the Ukrainian crisis. Jointly and severally leaders said that peace in the south-eastern Ukraine, can be achieved only through negotiations.

Xenia Golovanov, “Interfax”: “The current phase of the situation in Ukraine. Do not you think that the settlement is stalling? “

Putin:” I really think that to a certain extent the settlement stalled due to the fact that our partners in Kiev there is no desire to lead direct talks with the Donbas – with Lugansk and Donetsk. Why then we asked them to come and sign the document? It is at least strange. But we all agree on one thing – that there is no other solution to the problem of Ukrainian except the possibility to solve it peacefully and in full, unconditional fulfillment of the agreements reached in Minsk “.

The unity of views on the situation in the world has shown that in Ufa finally formed an alliance of reformers. Moreover, we should understand that any ultimatums to the West and the United States, carefully preserved the current world order with themselves at the head, no one put forward. And it is not going to. But the message was clear.

The world is running exclusively Western thing of the past – this is the main result of the summit of the BRICS and the SCO in Ufa. summit, which Russia strongly emphasized – the main thing here is not all on equal terms. Whatever the weight and position of the country did not have to dictate terms to the rest they do not intend to. This is the new rules in world politics and economics, which now have to be considered all.

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