The European Union could consider the results of the second referendum in the Crimea, if it was carried out under the supervision of the OSCE, according to Russian media on Saturday. Experts “Gazety.Ru” explain why such a scenario is unacceptable for either Russia or Ukraine.
On Saturday, RIA “Novosti” with reference to a senior European source said that the EU could consider the results a second referendum in the Crimea, if it will be under the supervision of observers from the OSCE. These statements were made in response to the concerns voiced in the West, expert statements about the possibility of such a scenario.
However, the experts’ Gazety.Ru “clearly believe that the idea of a second referendum would be unacceptable for the Russian authorities. The head of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy Fyodor Lukyanov said that the holding of a second referendum – it’s suicide. The implementation of such a plan would mean the cancellation of the entire complex integration solutions Crimea, “the recognition of all Russian actions in 2014 illegal and unfounded,” Lukyanov says. At the same time, he said, such an option would be beneficial number of Western forces.
«In the Crimea was a legitimate referendum. Any fresh Sociology conducted including international research campaigns, and so shows that today Crimeans fully trust the Russian government. And the level of support for our president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin rolls. What other questions can be ?! “- leads the RIA” Novosti “the head of the reaction to the news of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov.
Let us recall that the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city became part of Russia on the results of the referendum in 2014. According to official figures, with a turnout of 83.1% in the Crimea for joining voted 96.77%. In Sevastopol, the turnout was 89.5%, of which 95.6% voted for the entry into the Russian Federation. Observers from the OSCE in the referendum were not present, since the invitation did not comply with the rules adopted by the organization.
The expert of the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies Vladimir Bruter considers that the Russian authorities should clarify the EU, which on the territory of Russia “is not subject to an annual referendums.” He is confident that this idea really discussed periodically at various levels, but it can not be an official position nor the OSCE nor the European Union. Although they would recognize Russia its actions illegal.
The expert also believes that this scenario assumes that the precedent of the Crimea is considered separately from the overall context of the situation in Ukraine, which is also wrong.
Head of Department of Strategic Assessments Center for Situational Analysis, RAS Sergei Utkin said “” that the US political circles EU and indeed occasionally a tendency to consider the theme of the Crimea as a separate part of the question of the Ukrainian crisis. “Everyone understands that quick results can not be achieved, and try to look for options,” – explains Utkin. He also drew attention to the caution statements quoted media. “The source of all carefully outlined. This is just one of the possible options. ”
However, Utkin resembles another factor, because of which the script is not feasible.
Such a referendum will be generally unacceptable, not only for the Russian, but also for the Ukrainian authorities who just do not want to change its position on supplies of the area.
Utkin said that a second referendum would be a part of the solution of the Ukrainian crisis to another “political era”: “This will be possible when decisions in Russia and Ukraine will take others. But in the coming years it is does not threaten us. ” At the same time, according to experts, some other way for the international recognition of the Crimea is also not visible. In the near future the Crimea can only rely on the preservation of its current status.
According Bruter, the EU always throws a variety of ideas through certain media.
As this time, they need to test the reaction of the society and politicians on certain ideas and to “be on that reference.”
Source “Gazety.Ru” familiar with the situation, said that ” rumors “about such a scenario did periodically distributed through representatives of the” Brussels democracy “and” set fire to the Americans’ NGOs.
The Chairman of the State Duma committee on CIS affairs Leonid Slutsky assumes that such information spread stuffing “opponents” Crimean Spring “who want to re-escalation of the plot in the information field in Europe.”
«EU can fantasize anything! It’s too late. We are not going to meet adventurers and politicians who are trying to build a world based on confrontation “, – he stressed member of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Relations, Igor Morozov. The senator believes that even if hypothetically similar referendum, Crimeans are unlikely to want to return to the Ukraine, the poorest country in Europe.

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