Sunday, July 12, 2015

Two years Parental nationwide resistance – the main results – IA REGNUM


Moscow, July 12, 2015, 18:42 – REGNUM «The labor congress is held to the band working selflessly people gathered together and saw his work as a whole, – he said at a meeting with journalists in the framework of the II All-Russian Congress of Parental resistance (ISR) a political scientist, leader of the public movement “Matter of Time” Sergey Kurginyan . – Seeing the results of their work, people begin to set goals … »

According to Sergei Kurginyan, the results of the PBC is very noticeable. “Three years ago, it was believed that the juvenile justice system is inevitable that it will be necessary … And where the juvenile justice system? Its not. And I do not want to say that it was only because the All-Russian resistance Parent took and spun the situation. PBC was only the fuse that triggers the mechanism. There is nothing we would not do it without Russian Orthodox Church , which is a huge machine of public opinion … Nothing we have not done without broad democratic public. And, of course, nothing we would not do if you do not gradually changed the whole situation in the country, if not carried out a big patriotic turn … And so it happened that the juvenile justice system did not, were some relics, attempts propihivaniya this idea, but of the juvenile justice system there. And this sword hanging over the population of Russia, torn from his hands and thrown in the trash … »

Speaking of other achievements PBC, a political analyst, said:” Every week we publish a newspaper for students “The steps of history” . Began squeals about this newspaper. How do they end? The fact that

screeching cleared back home and in schools all have … So gradually formed a resistance change of the cultural core of the nation. Incidentally, the change of the nucleus are called mutations. That is, there is resistance mutations nation. Now this is in Israel, Spain, France, Germany . This is also a result. PBC – a very close-knit group of people and selfless and ready for a marathon – long selfless action. »

Commenting on the immediate tasks of the PBC, Sergey Kurginyan said:” PBC sends its people into areas of extreme social disadvantage, in the so called “depressed area” in dilapidated towns, and so on. Recently, for example, in the city of Kimovsk in the Assembly of Deputies of the city, that is, the local authority was elected our friend, Sergei Timofeyev . We do not send our people in front, glamorous politics, but politics as such, our people go. And if our forecasts if our forecasts for the increase in street tension will be incorrect, our outdoor activities will be purely secondary importance in relation to what we are doing … We have released many tutorials provide training. Today, right from the Congress 700 people will go to Kostroma region, in the Alexander , in our school. That is, we will develop a positive activity, including activities in special areas of distress. Where, as stated in Novella Matveeva, “look do not look, do not look as benefits.” If people there win credibility, show their worth, fractures trouble, let them go into politics, and more. »

As previously reported IA REGNUM , II Congress of the All-Russian public organization of protection of the family “Parent-Russia Resistance” held on July 12 in the Concert Hall. PI Tchaikovsky in Moscow. It is dedicated to a report on two years of work, the concept of family policy and discuss issues of upbringing, education and development of children and youth.

RVS – the organization that emerged as a result of the social movement against the introduction into the country of juvenile technologies. One of the leading roles in the civil antiyuvenalnogo protest movement plays a “Matter of Time”, which became the initiator of creation of the PBC. The founding congress of the PBC held February 9, 2013.

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