MOSCOW, March 3 – RIA Novosti The new composition of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation formed for five years.. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to include Vasily Likhachev, Ella Pamfilova, Alexander Kanev, Boris Ebzeeva and Evgeny Shevchenko, reports the Kremlin press service.
“To appoint the members of the Central Election Commission Russian Federation: Kinev Alexander, Likhachev Vasily Nikolaevich, Pamfilova Ella Alexandrovna, Shevchenko Evgeny Alexandrovich, Ebzeeva Boris Safarovich “, – stated in the decree text
The decree comes into force from the date of its signature
The head of the Central Election Commission Vladimir Churov is not listed.
The candidates of the Federation Council and State Duma
in addition, before their candidacies to the CEC approved the State Duma and the Federation Council.
Central election Commission consists of 15 members, of which five candidates nominated by the President of the Russian Federation, the upper and lower chamber of parliament.
In the State Duma at the meeting appointed the members of the Central election Commission (CEC) of five candidates last week.
In the vote of the lower house of parliament six candidates were issued: five deputies and a public figure. As a result, the State Duma appointed CEC members proposed the “United Russia” Valery Kryukov, nominated by the Liberal Democratic Party Sergei Sirotkin, from the Communist Party – Eugene Kolyushin, from the “Fair Russia” – Nicholas Levicheva and proposed another group of deputies Valery Gal’chenko (EP). Another candidate was a co-chairman of the movement “Voice” Grigory Melkonyants, which suggested that the deputy from the “Fair Russia” Dmitry Gudkov.
The Federation Council has appointed five members of the CEC on February 10. They were Senator Nicholas Bulaev acting members of the CEC Maya Grishina, Anton Lopatin Siyabshah Shapiev, as well as head of the department of political projects of the political projects of the Centre and Communications Alexander Klyukin
According to the legislation, the candidacy of the Federation Council for appointment making regions -. From 75 regions out of 85 proposals were received and 12 candidates. Then, the final list of five people was formed a core committee of the Federation Council on the federal policy.
According to the regulations of the Federation Council, the candidate is considered elected to the CEC if the vote for it a simple majority of the senators.
New Chairman
Until recently, kept the intrigue, whether CEC chairman Churov will. The Kremlin had previously reported that it will be known after Russian President Vladimir Putin will be determined by its quota.
Churov was elected chairman of the CEC of Russia March 27, 2007 unopposed, in March 2011, he was re-elected for a second term.
The powers of the CEC Commission will expire on March 27. It is expected that members of the new composition will gather for its first meeting on March 28th. On it they have to choose a new head of the Central Election Commission and distribute among themselves the powers and duties.
Update the CEC welcomes the State Duma. According to the State Duma Committee members on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Vladimir Ponevezhskgo ( “United Russia”), it should have happened
“Who will be the chairman -. Decides Commission and Ella Pamfilova deserves to be chairman, and Vasiliy. Likhachev also worthy, he was very authoritative, respected deputy, “- said the MP
Ponevezhsky hopes that the CEC also in the new structure will be in accordance with the Constitution, to continue their activities
in the Federation Council.. also consider that head the Central Election Commission may Vasily Likhachev or Nikolai Bulaev
“of the new members of the CEC can I allocate Vasily Likhachev and Nicholas Bulaeva This excellent organizers, in addition, they are politicians and diplomats.”. – RIA Novosti said a member of the relevant committee of the Federation Council Ekaterina Lakhova.
As for the candidacy of Ella Pamfilova, the Lakhova thinks her nomination for the post of head of the CEC is unlikely. “She’s a beautiful human rights activist, known all over the world, but just at vse-taki Likhachev and Bulaeva excellent organizational skills”, – convinced Lakhova.
Speaking of the CEC Chairman Vladimir Churov not included in the new composition of the CEC, Senator He expressed confidence that the fact that he has not been reassigned, speaks only of the need for rotation of the commission.
“This is not to say that Churov bad, just need a rotation. And the president we elect not forever” – said Lakhova
But Likhachev, appointed on Thursday a member of the Central Election Commission, said that the head of the CEC could be acting CEC member Boris Ebzeev or Commissioner for human Rights Ella Pamfilova
“Ebzeev.. It looked like, in terms of experience of his work in the Constitutional court, and here the CEC would be very serious (at the head) with regard Pamfilova -. also can not be ruled out, at least at the level of deputy, any administrative post “. – said Likhachev RIA Novosti.
what is the new chairman of the Central Election Commission will Pamfilova considers and head of ISSI Foundation (Institute for socio-economic and political studies) Dmitry Badovsky.
“(probably) very high because Pamfilova enjoyed unconditional respect and trust in society as well as among representatives of different political forces, “- said Badovskiy reporters, calling the ombudsman” influential independent public figure “
Pamfilova leave the post of the Ombudsman
apparently, to resign in connection with the appointment of a member of the Central Election Commission will have to Pamfilova, told the president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov
“Yes, she will do it,” -. he said, .
“I can not tell you that, but, apparently, in the next (period). I do not know how to legally things are things, but it certainly is for this office, “- said Peskov, responding to a question, in what period Pamfilova should resign
Asked about whether there. Do have any candidates for the Ombudsman instead Pamfilova, Peskov said that “as long as I do not know about it”.
Pamfilova is the commissioner for human Rights from 18 March, 2014. She is well known for its social and human rights work. She worked as the Minister of social protection of the Russian population in the government of Yegor Gaidar and Chernomyrdin (1991-1994), and chairman of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for the Promotion of civil society institutions and human Rights (2004-2010).
who’s who
in general, the CEC commission significantly refreshed, but survived and continuity.
The president has delegated the Central Election commission of the Russian Federation State Duma deputy from the Communist Party, on the CIS affairs committee member Vasily Likhachev, a member of the “Patriots of Russia”, one of the leaders of the party Evgeny Shevchenko, a representative from the “Apple” Alexander Kinev, who, like his head FAS Igor Artemyev, was a member of the St. Petersburg “Apple” since the 1990s.
it is also important that the composition of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation increased by influential lawyers constitutionalists, Doctor of law. Among them, Vasily Likhachev and Boris Ebzeev included in the Commission on “presidential quota”.
At the same time to maintain continuity with the previous composition of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation due to reassignment of key professionals. The Commission, in accordance with the decision of the head of state, is working a former judge of the Constitutional Court and the president of Karachayevo-Cherkessia republic Boris Ebzeev and economist Valery Kryukov and lawyer Evgeny Kolyushin, passed by “the quota of the State Duma,” and Maya Grishina and Siyabshah Shapiev by the Federation Council.

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