The line of miners and their families on Friday, long stretched to the entrance of the local sports complex “Olympus”. Relatives and comrades who died stayed with rescuers with coffins and portraits of the dead miners, many did not hide the tears. After a memorial service was held a prayer service in the church and the funeral service at the mine.
In memory of the terrible tragedy in the city will establish the stele. Relatives of the victims are gradually moving away from the shock, starting compensation. Many are looking for those responsible for what happened, and contemplate whether to wait for a new tragedy and how soon it can happen.
«Nobody on the rampage would not climb»
The Machinist gornovyemochnyh machines Mikhail Momot was on vacation and I am preparing to corporate parties on 26 February. He traveled to Vorkuta in a good mood and did not pay attention to pop up on the road ambulance and car MOE. Then he slipped the other MOE machine. Momot phoned the guys came out breath: the mine “North”, where his brother, the methane exploded. Rushed to the mine, but there it is not allowed without a permit and up to three nights Momot met and escorted rescuers
Later he went to the locker brother:. There remained untouched coffee with sugar. “I say, Oh, brother, hey .. it’s hard to.”! – Miner sighs, staring into his coffee in a dark café Vorkuta <- place 8100533, / social / 2016/02/29/8100533 .shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->
In 42-year-old Konstantin Momot four children. Two sons from his first marriage to the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, one fight in the militia, and the second – a disabled person with Down syndrome. And Vorkuta two girls from a new marriage, 17 and 6 years. In Momot, like many people in these harsh edges, miner’s dynasty, father miner from Gorlovka.
Miners of Donbass after the outbreak of war in south-eastern Ukraine, there are many.
Like the rest of the miners to the “North” Momot he said that the mine was a high level of methane – an explosive gas. It is an invisible gas, odorless even at high concentrations, is released when working on combine production by coal seam (in the lava). One spark of a high concentration of methane (from 4 to 9%), and it detonates with an illuminated Coal crumb, making a tunnel in a local branch of hell.
February 25 in the “North” at a depth of 780 meters there was a sudden release methane, which was followed by two explosions, caused the collapse of the breed. Underground at the time the fire started there were 111 people. Soon the rescuers found the bodies of four miners, nine got carbon monoxide poisoning and injuries. Contact 26 miners failed to March 4 until the Court of Vorkuta, they are formally considered to be missing.
«Blame those who controlled the gas level. Although for me it’s a wild story. The guys were all experienced, no one on the rampage would not climb, the Mujahideen were not there, “- says Momot
Life in the Arctic Circle
Of the 14 mines of Soviet times after the restructuring of the coal industry in 1990. th and “zero” in Vorkuta only five work. Most of the settlements around Vorkuta dying, and people tend to leave. Life in these places fades with the closure of the mines, which are located on the circular road “Vorkuta ring.” Abandoned house in the still existing settlements are an eerie sight. Five-story building next to the families of the miners are dvuhetazhki empty boarded-up windows and doors. We built them yet Gulag intellectuals – once these mines were under the command of the military and they worked convicts
The death rate per annum on the first watches miners wintered in dugouts, was monstrous.. The first prisoners Vorkutlag on the banks of the river Vorkuta did not survive the winter 1932-1933 year:. Of 1,5 thousand convicted only 54 people survived. Then the first shift prisoner-miners had no normal equipment or provisions, nor medicine. New change literally settled on the previous bodies, and the death of the conveyor stopped long time.
In the midst of the endless tundra are seen powdered snowstorm abandoned hospitals, kindergartens, cultural centers. It seems that life in the remaining houses lukewarm
In one of such villages -. “North” – and the lives of 20-year-old Daria Tryasuho daughter who died in the explosion of the main underground mine electrician 40- Vyacheslav Tryasuho year. Immediately after the tragedy, she released a photo with individual gas analyzer of one of the miners ‘North’. The instrument value methane February 11 was 2.55% (the work should stop after 1.5%, after a 2% Automatic cuts down the electricity, because the detonation of methane may occur after 4%). Photo spread through social networks and media, and the investigators were pulled one by one, the miners, telling about violations at the mine. The SC urged all to give maximum evidence about what happened at least on condition of anonymity – many even former miners are afraid to speak frankly, because almost all the mines are still family run
At the entrance to the chipped shkutarkoy Daria c labor. lights, she had just returned from the investigators. The apartment is on the computer desk a portrait of his father, near the memorial stack. Vyacheslav Tryasuho the last month are constantly told that the work becomes dangerous.
«North» is really very gassy mine, and there is not nothing built compressor station and powerful pumps. The miners risked for the sake of the “bread” and a wide coal seam “Powerful” (about four meters)
Coking Vorkuta coal -. One of the best in the country and is appreciated all over the world.
«My first post on the Internet was a cry from the heart, I want to see my father, to be found and raised. The explosion was at two o’clock, the call entered the 4 days of the mother’s friend, said, “Natasha, mountain strike”. We went to the mine, in the assembly hall were other relatives, three days we spent the night there. And then have a meeting with (owner of “Severstal” Alexei) Mordashov, (who promised to organize a “hot line” to receive complaints of the miners’ relatives -. Note “Gazety.Ru.”), Where they talked about numerous violations of safety of where the miners were afraid to tell because of the threat of dismissal, – she recalls. – Immediately after the accident, with a high methane sensor photo sent to me by one of the miners. He said that either another mine will either resign ».
Why died Tryasuho and other miners were silent?
Daria says that her father constantly argued with the rulers because of problems to safety, but could not go to the end, because I was aware that it is necessary “to drag the family.” Like many miners’ families here, before the tragedy they dreamed to save money and go to the south. Now Daria collecting signatures on a petition demanding to punish those responsible for the tragedy
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She recalls talks with the relatives of the killed Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Mordashov. Rigid tone relatives is associated with the tragedy surrounding the death of the submarine “Kursk”. Many have said, “North” – a “Kursk for miners”: relatives say of them concealing the truth that the miners can not be saved, I was afraid to say it in person
At a meeting with Mordashov and Dvorkovich. relatives talked about Oleg Babichenko. He was in charge of security at the mine “Vorkuta,” and after the explosion in 2013 that killed 19 people, was transferred to the “North”. Relatives demanded to call him on the carpet, but Mordashov offered not to make “circus”. As a result, the head of “Severstal” promised to check the competence of the safety engineer.
«Sensors impossible to deceive»
disputes because of what actually killed the miners, going so far. The official version of “Severstal”: the tragedy occurred because of the unpredictable release of methane from the formation
For the safety in tunnels need to regularly ventilate the tunnels and degasification.. Through a system of sensors in the mine continuously measure the levels of methane and carbon dioxide
Office “Vorkutaugol” in the city center – a gloomy concrete building with red letters at the top:. “! More coal – the motherland.” From the window of visible billboard with the miner, lifting the girl: “Real men always a price.” Such advertising mines here half the town. Many buses inscriptions. “Safety First»
As the mine, at the entrance to “Vorkutaugol” (part of “Severstal”) installed Breathalyzer.
The miners say that the exit to the face of vodka is better not to drink at least two days prior to the change, because the alcohol sensor is so sensitive that fix even the smell of alcohol on the cloth cleaner.
The sensors can not be deceived, the head of the press service of “Vorkutaugol” Tatiana Bushkova. It recognizes that “North” gassy, at different points of the concentration of methane lava figures are different, but the critical elevation system is not fixed. Bushkova sure: it will confirm the Commission, because the sealed stationary sensors, data are transmitted online mine controllers
In addition, the data from the sensors in real time on consoles enter Rosstehnadzora inspectors.. In the case of education in drilling harvesting methane concentrations above 2%, the machine stops. Also, the electricity is switched off in case of damage of any of the sensors.
One of the possible scenarios that combine on extraction, which removes the “chips” from the coal seam, ran into the “pocket” of methane. In this case, the sensors can not manage to disconnect the equipment. The slightest spark – and not had time to blow away the cobwebs methane detonate with combustible coal crumbs. After such a hard to find, even body parts.
By the logic of such a tragedy could happen by natural reasons. For example, in mountainous impact (abrupt destruction of the hard layer) or sudden release of methane. The latest version immediately became the main. The company insists on the version mining and geological factors, as in legal terms, this is comparable to pilot error. Here blame have nobody, except for nature and themselves dead.
Most of the major tragedies in mines dispensed with criminal cases, as mining and geological factors recognized inspection.
A source in the “Severstal” says that the accident at the “North” was a surprise to the company’s management. Mine was one of the safest in the “Vorkutaugol”. After the privatization of the company in 2003, it has invested billions in upgrading equipment in the mines “Vorkuta ring” and the safety of its employees. The guide was simply obsessed with this point, said the source. As for violations of safety, – miners have few opportunities to contact with the authorities anonymously and report problems.
«It was a madhouse»
With the version of the complete security does not agree miner community. Sami miners, 30% of the salary depends on the amount of coal produced (despite the fact that the average salary at the mine – 70 thousand rubles), aware of ways to fool the sensors. They speak about it reluctantly, because such fraud – a serious crime in the company
«Now on TV say that the sensors are sealed, they can not budge, but this is nonsense, -. Explained” “the former mechanic with one of the local mines. – Sensors not seal up, and seal up the window of calibration, these fillings stray. This does not mean that they necessarily someone opens. Just lava travels, the sensors are moved, and not all of them neatly transferred ».
The fact that pritsipe may occur in practice, said another miner who has worked VTB trainee-master (ventilation and safety) already at another local mine in 2014. The first time it was lowered into the mine for 40 minutes, and the second after only one on the entire shift even though the lack of experience.
«It was a madhouse. We ran into a strange one mine, and I walked one entire shift, focusing on the scheme. Then I was given a permanent instructor for the week – he says. – Going to one of the sites, we saw a large list of violations, and decided to close it to correct problems. I called the dispatcher, listed violations, said that people infer and the site closes. On the next shift I go the same route, as well as a lot was riding, and rides. No it is not closed. »
« I was given another mentor, a senior VTB wizard. He taught me to ride on a cargo conveyor, which is rushing at great speed, and this is a violation – continues miner. – Then he took me to an abandoned generation and taught to smoke. It was 2014, and this was a man who must stop this! To my question about what is not afraid if he, he replied: “Well, you VTB master, you know, where the gas
And my uncle worked all his life. VGCHS at (paramilitary mine rescue parts) and he told me that found a match for colleagues beaten man. »
version on smoking in the mine also expressed as a possible cause of the tragedy on the” North. ” In such cases, the shock wave around the smoker during detonation throws the body in the direction of methane, they bounce off the walls and tear the clothes from them. In place of the detonation is generally easy to understand, who lit up, so to avoid “courts Lynch” banned newspapers to publish the names of smokers.
Before the guilty in this tragedy was not allowed to be buried in the cemetery. Just behind the fence as suicide. The family is expelled from the mining town.
«On one occasion, we were descending, coming out of the cage. One man stopped and he had the lighter. Because it so nearly did not beaten to death. The lavas do not work. Therefore dobychniki after the change of smoke at a time, three cigarettes, “- says Miner
He said that” kills “the attitude of people who violate safety regulations.. “I will not blame the guide shafts. In most cases, engineers are sitting on the surface, they do not see what is happening, – he said. – Methane it rolls over constantly. The chest strap it showed 10%, even when I was sitting at the bottom. And people worked. And when coal dust is combined with the gas is an explosive mixture and a spark can be anything you want, because all the equipment metallic »
Miner says that a lot of running around the respective offices and say. Order and security only paper at the bottom of everything is different. But the authorities did not believe, because according to reports it was normal. As for inspections, by a planned and integrated all always ready: inspection authorities for a long time knows in the face, and fines of up to 30 thousand rubles is not so terrible
«All because of this plan!”
Many of the miners and their families associated with the tragedy of the end of the month. The miners in a hurry to fulfill the plan for the mined coal to the detriment of safety.
The local office of “Memorial” is full of journalists. Everyone is waiting for Konstantin Pimenov, deputy city council, until 2014 worked at the mine “Vorgashevskaya” miner with 28 years of experience. He is a politician and as a real pounding his fist on the table. “All because of this plan! When I was working, methane sensors closed sweatshirts, instead report to the authorities, – says Pimenov. – At 100% you can not insure the mine, but it is possible to reduce the targets to break the system of terror and lies, of mutual responsibility, where everyone is afraid of downtime at the expense of safety »
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If a particular employer took the payment for a simple gas, then the workers would not a priori think of the machinations sensors, outraged former miner “Vorkuta” and member of the Public Chamber of the Komi Sergey Mostunenko.
We should not forget another tragedy.
In the night of February 28 at the “North” was a new explosion – on the same site as the first two. Six people were killed and five rescuers and one employee of the mine. After it was announced that more than in the mine is no longer possible to carry out any work
The sister of the deceased rescuer Sergei Smychenko -. Victoria Pshenichnikova – lives in a nine-Vorkuta. Dilapidated road, in the corridor broken piano. She looks at a photo of a smiling brother on the computer. Next on the shelf models of tanks, which are glued together in their spare time, Sergei. Victoria’s father died at the “October” mine in 1965.
Sergey was born from the mother’s second husband. Recently, he thought to move from Vorkuta with his family in another region. 8108087,/social/video/2016/03/04/vorkuta_prostilas_s_pogibshimi_na_shahte_severnaya.shtml,nm2015/v2/article/incut,incut4_link

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