Thursday, December 1, 2016

Putin: the future of the country depends on us – Вести.Ru

the Main political event of the day and one of the key — message of the President to the Federal Assembly. In the Kremlin Vladimir Putin summed up the preliminary results of the outgoing year and gave the political elite the tasks for the near future. Cross-cutting theme of the speech was the theme of development, especially human development. In fact, the message this year — a set of instructions, the purpose of each of which is to improve the lives of Russians.

One hour and eight minutes is the exact duration of the presidential address. This number is important for statistics, but for the country’s development, of course, is another issue. The presidential address is always a certain political signals and today them was enough.

When the doors of the St. George hall of the Kremlin was opened, deputies, senators, governors, Ministers — a thousand people — it was part of the most rapid step, almost running. Seating in the hall — free, who managed to take a seat close to the podium — that it was sitting. The leaders of the parliamentary majority and the opposition is clearly in a good mood, defence Minister Sergei Shoigu something very intently says Prime Minister Medvedev.

Camera, sound, lectern — ready, at noon in the hall is President Putin.

In the first seconds Putin speaks directly about what will be discussed about internal Russian problems, difficulties and achievements. Tasks to be tackled in extraordinary circumstances, as has happened many times in the history of the country.

the Russian people, United against the external pressure has again proved that they are able to answer the most challenging calls. But the sharper the request for equity.

“Citizens United, not because everyone is happy that all of them are satisfied. No, the difficulties and challenges now missing. But there is an understanding of their causes, and most importantly the confidence that together we will overcome. The principles of fairness, respect and trust are universal. We firmly defend them — and, as you can see, not without result — in the international arena. But to the same extent obliged to ensure their implementation within the country, in respect of each person and of all society”, – said Vladimir Putin.

the President of Russia stressed that any injustice and wrong are perceived very badly. It is a General feature of our culture.

“the Society strongly rejects the arrogance, rudeness, arrogance and selfishness, from whom it all may come, and all the more appreciative of such qualities as responsibility, high morals, caring about the public interest, the willingness to listen to others and respect their opinion,” he said.

But that willingness to listen and respect the opinions of others is lacking in many people who love to talk about freedom and democracy.

“If anyone considers himself to be more advanced, more intelligent, even considers himself smarter than someone in something, — if you are, but respect other people, it’s natural. Of course, I consider it unacceptable and counter-aggressive reaction, especially if it results in vandalism and in violation of the law. On these facts the state will respond harshly,” — said the President of Russia.

Nobody can forbid to openly Express their position in the culture, in the media and in the debate on economic issues — stressed Putin. And when Russia talking about solidarity and unity — it is not about any dogma, and natural consolidation for the sake of successful development of the country.

“is it Possible to adequately develop on a shaky ground of weak States weak and controllable from outside of government have lost the trust of its citizens? The answer is obvious: of course not. Lately we have seen many countries where this situation has opened the way for the adventurers, coups and, ultimately, anarchy. Everywhere the result is the same: the human tragedies and sacrifices, decay and ruin, disappointment,” warned the head of state.

And even in the most prosperous, it would seem that the regions of the world there are more conflicts, there is a huge migration crisis in Europe.

Russia has for the past century has experienced great upheaval. Next year — exactly 100 years since the revolution — a significant reason for effective, honest and in-depth analysis of those events when understanding is our common history and it should be treated with respect. Putin quotes philosopher Alexei Losev.

“We know all the thorny path of our country, — he wrote — we know the anxious years of struggle, lack, suffering, but for the son of his homeland all their inherent, native. It is unacceptable to drag the splits, anger, resentment and bitterness of the past in our present life, for their own political and other interests to speculate on the tragedies that have touched almost every family in Russia, on whichever side of the fence then neither were our ancestors. Let’s remember: we are one people, we are one people, and Russia is one”, — Putin said to applause.

“We consider it very important to meet adequately the Great October revolution. I want to emphasize, take the best, to rally, to unite, to move forward,” said Gennady Zyuganov, head of Communist party faction in the state Duma.

“I’m sure today in the kitchen, who listened to the President’s address very attentively heard and heard that the task of nation — saving, task of educating true citizens and patriots of our country. It’s actually a good challenge and homework for the deputies of the State Duma. And we would do what the President says — to preserve our multinational people,” — said Sergey Mironov, head of the faction “Fair Russia” in the state Duma.

“the President said, look, let’s all problems look inside. We got plenty of them and if we do these problems today will eradicate and sufficient funds, and development”, — said Sergei Neverov, Deputy Chairman of the state Duma of the Russian Federation, the faction “United Russia”.

of Course, completely ignore foreign policy was simply impossible because on the inside it does too. While leading Western countries are not even hide their intention to undermine and blow up the situation inside, to embroil Russia with all partners.

“the course was put everything from myths about Russian aggression, propaganda, interference in foreign elections to the persecution of our athletes, including Paralympians. Customized information campaigns, the invention and the stuffing of compromising materials, didactic teaching, everyone is already tired — if required, we do anyone can teach, but we realize the extent of their responsibility and sincerely willing to participate in solving global and regional problems,” Putin said.

He noted that Russia no one wants confrontation. It is not necessary neither the country nor the partners, nor the world community.

“unlike some foreign colleagues who see Russia as an enemy, we are not looking for and never searching for enemies. We need friends. But we will not tolerate infringement of their interests, neglect them,” said the President of the Russian Federation.

Decades have passed since the end of the cold war in vain — said Putin. But you can use them to build a sustainable system of international relations of the XXI century. Right now Russia is ready for such a serious conversation with the United States because these two countries shared responsibility for ensuring international security and stability.

“Attempts to break the strategic parity is extremely dangerous and can lead to a global catastrophe. Can not forget about it even for a second. And, of course, counting on the Alliance with the United States in the struggle against real, not imaginary threat — international terrorism. This problem is solved in Syria, our military. Terrorists suffered significant damage. Army and Navy have convincingly proved that they are able to effectively work away from their permanent locations,” — said Vladimir Putin.

great work on the fight against terror carried out by officers of the security services in the country. Often the cost of his own life.

“I Want to thank all of our servicemen for their professionalism and generosity, courage and bravery for what you, soldiers of Russia, cherish their honor and the honor of Russia”, — said the President to the applause.

“I Thanked our soldiers soldiers. That’s good, because this year is the results for which we must thank”, — said Vladimir Zhirinovsky, head of LDPR faction in the state Duma.

“we Have to work to strengthen the position of our state in the General state scale and regional in particular. Therefore, we will work to protect our state and build a strong society,” said Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic.

the People of Russia, sums up Putin feels justified, therefore acts cohesively and confidently goes on the selected way.

“In recent years, it was not easy, but these tests made us stronger, really stronger, helped better identify those areas in which it is necessary to act even more aggressively and energetically. The future of the country depends only on us, from the labor and talent of all our citizens, from their responsibility and success. And we will achieve our goals, to solve problems of today and tomorrow,” — said the head of the country.

“the President spoke about building a society based on justice, respect, trust. And it’s not just the domestic agenda, but the agenda that our country will advance and now it makes at the international level”, — said Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the state Duma of the Russian Federation.

“I Think that this Message will calm the people, because there is an understanding of the difficulties that exist, they are not embellished. The main emphasis is that all these challenges we will address, but not at the expense of our citizens, maintaining social obligations to the people,” explained Valentine Matvienko, the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

the Specific economic measures, Putin has devoted, perhaps, a large part of his message.


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