Saturday, August 9, 2014

A resident Trybunalski took a picture of roulette and … –

A resident Trybunalski took a picture of roulette and … –

innocent picture taken for fun, and it Trybunalski resident at the roulette table. This image posted on Facebook does not go unnoticed by the relevant authorities that the matter reported to the court. Customs officers informed the man that posting a picture of roulette on Facebook, broke gambling law and thus promote gambling

A resident of Piotrkow argues that he never in a casino was not, and the picture has actually been made at the roulette table, although the man never not played roulette, or even had the ball in his hands – informs Radio Zet.

– said a customs official, Lord loved, but it is only a picture. When the roulette ball in hand, even I did not. I want the case went to trial. This judgment is simply absurd – the man said.

Absurd? Or maybe it should work right?

SUBSCRIBE: Daily news Super Express e-mail

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