According to the announcement by Prime Minister Donald Tusk, in the chair. 16 charge on the section of the A1 motorway from Torun to Gdansk been suspended , photo:
– were worried about congestion at exits the ring road towards Gdansk and Gdynia, and on the national 6-ties between Gdynia and Reda – this did not happened. Traffic on these roads was low – informs Pomeranian Highway Patrol.
gates opened on Friday at 16 was not without incident. Police arrested a driver who before the hour. 16 did not want to pay the toll and three others who were waiting on the roadside for an hour, which will open the gate on the highway.
– On Friday drive A1 take place seamlessly. Also bypass Tri what we feared was not locked. The movement took place smoothly. This may be a good omen for the rest of the weekend – said Saturday morning radio Jedynka Mayor of Gdansk Pawel Adamowicz.
According to the decision of Prime Minister Donald Tusk drive the A1 motorway all the August weekends will be free. Waiver of fees will apply from 16 hours on Friday (and Thursday August 14th) to Sunday 23.59.
Ministry of Infrastructure advises that persons entering the highway after 23.59 on Sundays in August will collect entrance tickets and if you can reach the selected goals slopes prior to closure, that is, for hours. 1.30, then leave the motorway without paying.
– The driver, who appears on the exit of the A1 motorway, managed by Gdańsk Transport Company (GTC) on Monday at 1:30, will be required to pay a fee in accordance with applicable regulations – are given.
It was also indicated that the safety of traffic on the toll plazas will ensure, inter alia, policemen. – GTC expects increased volume of traffic both on the highway and in the area of Toll Plazas. We kindly ask drivers to exercise particular care within squares toll. For the safety of drivers motorway service along with the police on a regular basis will monitor the situation in these places. The number of open gates on the highway will depend on traffic and safety issues – indicated in the Communication Ministry.
IAR / PAP / asop
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