Sunday, August 10, 2014

Burns more than 50 acres of land in Lower Silesia. “The situation … – TVN 24

Burns more than 50 acres of land in Lower Silesia. "The situation … – TVN 24

Photo: M. Balukiewicz / TVN 24 Wroclaw | Video: tvn24 so it looks like rubble

In Prochowicami (province. Silesian) burns more than 50 acres of woods, fields and grasses. The fire fighting 30 fire brigades and three aircraft.

Around 12 hectares of …

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The first notification of the fire service took away about 14.00. Initially, firefighters reported a burning 10 hectares of forest.

– O Fire Prochowice resident told us. Initially, the burning forest. It burns more than 50 acres of woods, fields and grass between the villages Lisowice, Mierzowice and Jurcz – said before 17.00 Cpt. Dominik Bochenek of Legnica firefighters.

“The situation is very difficult,”

18.00, firefighters reported that the situation is now under control, and the source of fire has been localized, and the fire is no longer spreading. At the same time indicate that the extinguishing action is complicated.

– All the fire fighting adverse conditions. The situation is very difficult. Quite a strong wind blowing, the air temperature is high, and low humidity causes the spread of the fire after plating. Variable wind makes it difficult to fight with the elements – admits loaf.

there is no nearby buildings and hazards for humans.

Dromedaries in action

The fire involved 30 fire brigades and three aircraft types dromedary, which put out the fire from the air. On-site work or 4 tanks of water after 25 thousand. liters each, which supply fire engines. The fifth tanker refuels dromedaries.

Although the extinguishing action is still ongoing, the effects of fire, foresters are already desperate. – For the forester is drama. Two years you will have to work to get back to the state of the school. Losses can count on a few hundred thousand zlotys – Jacek Mazur of Forestry in Mierzowicach.

Source: TVN 24 Wroclaw / M. Balukiewicz Smoke is visible from afar

The fire broke out around Prochowice:

If Wanted to interest us relating to the subject of your region, show it in an unconventional way – waiting for your signal / materials. Write to

Author: there ansa / b / Source: TVN 24 Wroclaw

At Prochowicami (province. Silesian) burns more than 50 acres of woods, fields and grasses. The fire fighting 30 fire brigades and … read more »

Here began the masters of cinema.<br /> Reminders & # x105; of these murals “width =” 640 “height =” 360 “class =” lazy lazy-with-fallback “/><br /> <br />  <noscript class = Here began the masters of cinema.<br /> Reminders & # x105; of these murals “/> </noscript>  </figure>  <p> <span> Play: Here began masters of cinema.<br />  Remind them murals </span>  <p class = Images heroes Polish cult films and series, as well as directors who created the Wroclaw Film Studio … read more »

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renovates & # x105; trails in the Giant Mountains.<br /> & Quot; Mo & # x17C, on the & # x119; drow & # x107 ;, but you have to carefully & # x17C, a & # x107; & quot; “width =” 640 “height =” 180 “class =” lazy lazy-with-fallback “/ ><br /> <br />  <noscript class = renovates & # x105; trails in the Giant Mountains.<br /> & Quot; Mo & # x17C, on the & # x119; drow & # x107 ;, but you have to carefully & # x17C, a & # x107; & quot; “/> </noscript>  </figure>  <p class = In the Giant Mountains began the repair work on three tourist routes – for about 4 km of trails will include a rebuilt … read more »

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wither was the wind, steep driveway or heat. More than three hundred and fifty people measured their their weaknesses and … read more »

A1 without op & # x142; at, going up & # x119, P & # x142; seamlessly. On the part of the & # x119; & # x15B; those A4 driver P & # x142; ac & # x105; and standing & # x105;

Play: A1 without charge goes smoothly. On the part of the A4 drivers pay and stand

Motorists stand in queues to gates in the Lower Silesian section A4. – On the heels of the Karwianach have to wait about 40 minutes – says … read more »


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