In an interview with Radio Voice of Russia Janusz Korwin-Mikke, the leader of the Congress of the New Right, referred to the ongoing crisis in eastern Ukraine.
KNP leader also acknowledged that for many years argued that the Crimea back to Russia because it was always there “more Russians than Ukrainians”, which confirmed the referendum. In his opinion, this case should not bother Polish politicians, because only Russia and Ukraine. He noted, however, that both the Russians and Ukrainian should aim to prevent the exacerbation of the conflict and the end of hostilities in the east of the country. He noted further that the mutual overlapping sanctions as a result of the crisis, “a loss for both sides.”
– two-speed Europe? Empty promises! – Continued, commenting on the future of the EU. – I am convinced that the European Union is waiting decay, regardless of two or even three speeds. About the time of his said Margaret Thatcher. The European Union was created and designed by leftist intellectuals. Now I go to meetings of the European Parliament takes me laugh when I hear how serious faces of my colleagues discuss the situation in, say, Iraq or in the Ukraine, not understanding often heart of the problem. All the time you hear: “We can not let this happen! I can not allow this! … “But if the European Union does not have an army, it can only shake one’s finger, it’s just ridiculous! – Summed Korwin-Mikke. Radio Voice of Russia
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