Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Law and Justice deputy came out from the studio: you know better, then please me … –

Law and Justice deputy came out from the studio: you know better, then please me … –

– suggest that Sikorski has links with the intelligence, it seems to me under Your level – assessed housewife “Morning Radio TOK FM”. What PiS politician replied: – If you know better, please do not invite me.

The conversation was after the Waszczykowski in an interview for “Do Stuff” Sikorski pointed out the lack of higher education. Policies has long been one of the biggest critics Radoslaw Sikorski.

According to Polish law, three years of undergraduate study at Oxford are not higher studies. If anyone has a bachelor’s degree, it can not be a master to style. Sikorski is so the title of honor, bought, and not certified studies – said in TOK FM. It accused him of leading pettiness, noting that it was Sikorski exempted him from the MFA. Wielowieyska accused him of insinuating that Sikorski in Rome had contacts with the intelligence. “It seems to me that it is below your level” – she said.

Defending Waszczykowski said that the contract ws. Missile defense system has not been ratified. For this guide said that Obama did not podspisał agreement on this. This guy annoyed program said: -If you know better how to make the negotiations looked shield, then please me more to the studio not to invite – and then left the studio.


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