Thursday, August 14, 2014

PiS calls for the EU embargo on Russian coal –

PiS calls for the EU embargo on Russian coal –

 PiS calls for the EU embargo on Russian coal -

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– Today Polish ports in landfills is many tons of coal, but it is a Russian coal. We have heard that the government of Donald Tusk talks with miners, but not heard, that Prime Minister Donald Tusk and deputy Janusz Piechociński not impose an embargo on Russian coal – said today Andrzej Jaworski, PiS deputy at the conference in the Parliament.

Polish mining notes the considerable losses. This is a serious and dangerous situation. How can something crunch, it will mean in Silesia drama – stressed Izabela Kloc, PiS. In her opinion, should engage in these activities, the European Union. If an embargo on Russian coal, the Polish coal was not in default in the dumps and did not bring mines losses.

Deputy Jaworski announced that writes to the Prime Minister interpellation concerning the introduction of an embargo on Russian coal in the EU countries.

Quotes PiS deputies of the Russian embargo on coal:


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