Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Psychiatrist to Sikorski: if you feel bugged? – Virtual Poland

Psychiatrist to Sikorski: if you feel bugged? – Virtual Poland

“To extend the permit for the weapon I had today, periodic testing and psychiatrist asked whether you feel bugged? Sam laughed” – jokes on his Twitter Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, referring to the disclosed records “On”. Minister of Foreign Affairs has a gun, because as explained in interviews “lives about 3 miles from the prison.”

 Minister of Foreign Affairs disclosed by the “On” interview with former Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski said that “the Polish-American alliance is worth nothing. This is even harmful, because in Poland creates a false sense of security.” The Minister spoke of the alliance in vulgar words. He also stated that in Poland we have a problem with a shallow pride and low self-esteem. “This murzyńskość” – he added. Conversation overheard involved, amongst others, Danuta Hübner PO, which was awarded first place in the electoral list in Warsaw.

Shortly after the publication of recorded conversation Sikorski wrote on Twitter that “On” lies at the place where the recordings were made, thereby suggesting that the recordings may be inaccurate. Then he tried to divert attention from what he said, inter alia, inserting on Twitter definition of the word “murzyńskość” and throwing statements like “This is a criminal attack on the government.” Made in this case as the prosecutors’ office.


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