Monday, August 4, 2014

The second bottom of the phone hacking scandal, Kursk by throwing out of Solidarity … –

The second bottom of the phone hacking scandal, Kursk by throwing out of Solidarity … –

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On the cover of” Straight “Michal Figurski, who” ends up with rudeness. ” Journalist tells Magdalene Rigamonti about his patriotism and Russian origin. In addition, Law and Justice MEP for the first time on ejection from the unification of Solidarity Polish and right. “Throwing smitten scale and suddenness hejtu and aggression Zbigniew Ziobro to me” – highlights policies. More >>>

Weekly “The Network” promises to wrap the “second bottom of the phone hacking scandal.” Journalists “In Network” suggests that the head of the CBA invested their money in a subsidiary of a businessman zamieszanego in wiretapping. Weekly also continues on the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. In the latest issue there will also be the addition of “Departmental children” with – as we read on page magazine – “the most interesting portions of the book”. More >>>

In the latest “to stuff” of Kaczynski’s march to power. Prof. Zdzislaw Krasnodębski states in an interview that the Law and Justice streaming down new supporters and party with the coalition or not, comes to power. The weekly also an interview with Janusz Korwin-Mikke, who declares that he never supported Vladimir Putin. The leader of the Congress of the New Right says, however, that Putin is “an excellent president of Russia, and would be a great president of the Polish”. More >>>

Subject of cover recent “Newsweek” is a lie Poles. “We lie as much as 200 times a day. Effect? ​​Today checking polygraph future spouse is already a trend” – reads the announcement. The “Newsweek” also about why PiS has a chance to take power, as well as the text of Vladimir Putin from the American edition of “Newsweek”. How announces the editors, it is a portrait of a man spent, without emotion, which no longer even has power, but maintains its position of fear. More >>>

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