Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw examines the content of the conversation recorded in July 2013 between Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, Minister of the Interior, and Marek Belka, President of the Polish National Bank.
– Wszczęliśmy investigation into the abuse of powers by the Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and President of the Polish National Bank. Exceeding these have to rely on the breach of the independence of the National Bank of Poland by concluding in July 2013 by the Prime Minister with the President of the NBP informal agreement by the interior minister – said Przemysław Nowak, spokesman for the Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw.
– In exchange for the cancellation of the Minister of Finance, the introduction of regulations to enable the establishment of Systemic Risk and reduce the role of the Monetary Policy Council, the President of the NBP would allow funding by the National Bank Polish budget deficit by buy up bonds – said Nowak.
Sienkiewicz calmly waiting for the findings of the prosecutors
With a calm look forward to the findings of prosecutors and declare full cooperation to clarify all aspects of the case – said the head of the Interior Ministry Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, referring to investigations in connection with the overheard conversation the Minister and the President of the NBP.
Post on Twitter Sienkiewicz gave the Interior Ministry spokesman Paul Majcher.
Today in Warsaw District Prosecutor’s Office announced that the notifications nine persons initiated investigation over alleged abuse of powers by the prime minister, interior minister and chairman of the National Bank of Poland – which would rely on “breach of the independence of the National Bank of Poland” in connection with the overheard conversation Bartholomew Sienkiewicz Marek Belka.
government spokesman Civic Platform deputy said that the actions of the prosecutor’s office, which initiated this investigation, are natural. – Prosecutor’s Office initiated (investigation), because there were several announcements, including the political parties; it was natural that it should initiate such an explanation – assessed the government spokesperson.
Published recording ” On “
In June, the weekly” On “recording conversations revealed, inter alia, Sienkiewicz Belka July 2013, Chief of the Ministry of Interior of Belka talking about a hypothetical supported by the NBP state budget a few months before the elections, that can win the PiS; Beam in exchange for support puts a condition resignation of the then Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski and the amendment of the Law on the Central Bank. Weekly claims that the conversation took place in July 2013. In November Rostowski was dismissed; at the end of May 2014 to the Council of Ministers received a draft amendment to the Law on the assumptions of the NBP.
In another recorded conversation former deputy finance minister Andrew Parafianowicz Sławomir Nowak had to say that he used his influence to block fiscal control your wife Nowak.

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