07-08-2014, last updated 07-08-2014 12:23

source: Fotorzepa
Author: Krzysztof Skłodowski
Metropolitan city guard explains why the officers who were near the “Rainbow” at the time of installation arson, did not intervene – told PAP on Thursday, spokeswoman Monika SM Niżniak. There is reason to draw the consequences of service to the guards.
On Thursday morning, police arrested two men suspected of arson installation on pl. Savior. Fire guard noticed urban city surveillance camera. At a place called the fire brigade, who extinguished the fire. Burned down a few meters installation. According to witnesses, the guards, who were nearby did not react. In the opinion of management of the municipal police, failure to intervene against the perpetrators of arson by police officers, who were nearby, is the basis for draw against city guards consequences official – told PAP spokeswoman municipal police. “Nevertheless, the internal checks on this are in progress” – she added. Niżniak stressed that so far there were no objections to the actions of the municipal guards in connection with security en. Savior. “In recent months, city guards repeatedly thwarted attempts devastation or arson construction and embraced the perpetrators of these acts” – she said. As told PAP Tomasz Oleszczuk team press Metropolitan Police officers detained two men who probably set fire + Rainbow +. Both the 41-year-old Martin W. and 47-year-old Roman S., were drunk. At the time of arrest had more than 2 per mille of alcohol in the blood. Will be heard when sober. For property damage threatens to 5 years in prison. Deputy Spokesman Warsaw City Hall Agnes Withers announced that “Rainbow” will be rebuilt with previously accumulated stocks of artificial flowers. This ensures that the city authorities will request compensation from persons who have committed this blunder hooliganism. Withers stressed that tripped water security system, so that the fire did not take a larger part of the installation. “Rainbow” appeared on pl. Savior in June 2012 Earlier, during the Polish Presidency, adorned the square in front of the European Parliament. According to the author of its symbolism was a positive call to tolerance, respect for human dignity and the right to have their own beliefs and opinions. colorful installation of artificial flowers in the colors of the rainbow was burned on several occasions. Last November 11 last year by the persons involved in organized by the National Environment March of Independence. Losses Board of Municipal Services estimated at 70 thousand. zł.Renewed “Rainbow” stood again for us. Savior on May 1 this year. – On the 10th anniversary of Polish accession to the European Union. Owner installation, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, has signed an agreement with the city for exposing “Rainbow” on us. Savior to the end of 2015
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