MOSCOW, 3 March – RIA Novosti. The new composition of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Russia finally decided on Thursday when the president appointed the final “top five” members of the commission. And among them there was not the current head of the Central Election Commission Vladimir Churov nor his deputies, Leonid Ivlev and Stanislav Vavilov, no commission secretary Nikolai Konkin.
By the end of the month the question of who will lead the Central Election Commission on the eve of parliamentary elections, remains open, however, the main contender for the experts and politicians believe the federal ombudsman Ella Pamfilova. Also among the likely candidates for the post referred to deputies of the State Duma Vasily Likhachev and Boris Ebzeeva
CEC -. The federal department responsible for the organization and conduct of federal elections and receiving complaints about the decisions of the lower election commissions. It is composed of 15 members with the right to vote. In five members appointed for five years, President of the Federation Council and the State Duma. On Thursday it became known that the president of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to include the composition of the CEC State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of Vasily Likhachev, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova, the current CEC Boris Ebzeeva member, representative of “Patriots of Russia” Eugene Shevchenko, deputy head of the FAS Alexander Kinev.
Earlier, their candidates identified, the State Duma and the Federation Council. The lower house of parliament has appointed the new composition of the Central Election Commission of the proposed “United Russia” Valery Kryukov, nominated by the Liberal Democratic Party Sergei Sirotkin, from the Communist Party – Eugene Kolyushin, from the “Fair Russia” – Nicholas Levicheva and proposed another group of deputies Valery Gal’chenko (EP). The upper house has delegated Senator Nicholas Bulaeva acting CEC members Maya Grishina, Anton Lopatin and Siyabshaha Shapiev, as well as head of the department of political projects of the Center of political projects and Communications Alexander Klyukina.
Who will be headed by the CEC?
Chapter ISEP Foundation (Institute for socio-economic and political studies) Dmitry Badovsky suggested that the head of the Central Election Commission is likely to become the Ombudsman Pamfilova.
“(probability) is very high, because Pamfilova enjoyed unconditional respect and trust both in society and among representatives of different political forces. “- said Badovskiy reporters, calling the ombudsman” influential independent public figure “
Meanwhile, the first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist party, head of the Central headquarters of the party for the election of Ivan Melnikov called talk about what the head of the CEC can be Pamfilova, “at least a twist” than the entire composition “of the presidential five”.
But in the Federation Council as likely candidates for the post of head of the CEC called Likhachev or Bulaeva. Senator Catherine Lakhova noted their organizational skills, the quality of politicians and diplomats.
As for the candidates Pamfilova, the senator believes that its nomination for the post of head of the Central Election Commission is unlikely. “She’s a beautiful human rights activist, known all over the world, but still just at Likhachev and Bulaeva excellent organizational skills”, – convinced Lakhova
In turn, he Likhachev appointed the new composition of the Central Election Commission, he believes. that lead the commission could Pamfilova or acting CEC Ebzeev member. Vice-speaker of the State Duma from the LDPR, Igor Lebedev also believes Ebzeeva possible candidate for this post.
The powers of the current composition of the CEC expires March 27, 2016. It is expected that members of the new composition will gather for its first meeting on March 28th. On it they have to choose a new head of the Central Election Commission and distribute among themselves the powers and duties.
Until recently, kept the intrigue, whether CEC Chairman Churov will. The Kremlin had previously reported that it will be known after Russian President Vladimir Putin will be determined by its quota. Meanwhile, in the media repeatedly, there were reports that the current chairman of the CEC, who was elected to this post in 2007 and re-elected in 2011, will no longer lead the Commission, after re-election.
Who will protect the rights?
The Chairman of the State Duma Committee for public associations Jaroslav Nilov (LDPR) Pamfilova after the appointment of the new composition of the CEC spoke about her professional achievements of the Ombudsman office and personal qualities. According Nilov, Ella Pamfilova – indifferent people, cares for his job. The MP expressed hope that now, when it became aware of its transition to the CEC, “the upcoming elections to the State Duma will be a fundamentally different way, in compliance with all legal regulations”.
Meanwhile, the question remains as to who will take Pamfilova place in the post of Commissioner for human Rights in the Russian Federation.
a spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters earlier that Pamfilova will have to resign in connection with the appointment of a member of the Central Election Commission. Answering a question on whether there is already some candidates for the position of Ombudsman instead Pamfilova, Peskov said that “as long as I do not know about it”.
According to the law on the authorized, the Ombudsman may not be in the civil service and engage in any other activity, except for teaching or creative, the head of the presidential human Rights Council (HRC), Mikhail Fedotov.
“The decision on the resignation should be accepted by the State Duma. Up to this point it is, of course, continues to be Commissioner for human Rights in the Russian Federation “, -. said the head FH
Speaking of the nomination of the new Commissioner, Fedotov said that would be considered reasonable nomination of Vladimir Lukin,” a man who perfectly worked in this position for two timing “.
The human rights activist, head of the Russian Paralympic Committee Vladimir Lukin has been the human Rights commissioner in the Russian Federation from 2004 to 2014. He Himself said that while it was premature to talk about the possibility of his return to the post. He noted that he was not asked to return to the job, and he does not know that there is going to someone suggest his candidacy.
Decrees not discussed
Head Churov CEC of Russia, not included in the new composition of the Commission, has not commented on the decision, saying that “the presidential decrees do not discuss”.
Peskov declined to comment on the absence of Churov in the presidential list, noting that “it was a choice “.
” the head of state there and rotational moments, it is quite normal, natural rotation process “, – he said Peskov journalists
Political analyst Badovskiy noted that the president’s decree on the members of the CEC demonstrates update. the commission is 60%, which corresponds to the expectations of experts. According to him, due to the decision of the President, to expand the presence of the opposition and non-parliamentary parties in the composition of the CEC and the increased status of their representatives.
In the State Duma believe that the renewal of the Commission was going to happen. “Still, the structure worked almost 10 years, I believe that the president did the right thing by updating the CEC.” -. Said a member of the Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Vladimir Ponevezhsky
The head of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov also sees nothing extraordinary in the fact that Churov was not included again in the composition of the CEC: the update is long overdue, says Communist
The fate Churov
But the appointed member of the Central Executive Committee of the State Duma deputy. Vasily Likhachev believes that Churov was not included in the new composition of the Commission, as for the two-term tenure, has developed its potential.
“I think that he is very much developed their potential. two period to lead such a serious body during different kind of political conflicts and reform – a lot comes a new political season in Russian life, the electoral political system will require a specific reboot, so to perform new tasks need new people, “-. said Likhachev RIA Novosti
<. p> Professor RANHiGS under President Vladimir Slatinov believes Churov care was predictable, since it does not fit the new tasks set by the state on the eve of elections to the State Duma.
“Care Churov predicted. The main reason for leaving – a new political context, which is formed around the State Duma campaign, it requires a reboot of the CEC, I would say, its a serious rebranding. Churov under the new tasks of the state did not come. Needed new faces that we saw, “-. Slatinov told
At the same time a member of the CEC Denis Panshin, also not included in the new composition of the commission, said that the Chairman has decided on future plans.” Vladimir E. ( Churov) said that he had decided, but I think he’s about the same time he will say, “- said Panshin
Already beginning to sound opinion that the current head of the CEC, after retiring from the commission could become senator.. Thus, according to the vice-speaker of the State Duma from the LDPR, Igor Lebedev, his great professional and life experience will not be ignored. The MP does not exclude that in September Churov may appear in the State Duma and Federation Council, he could become a member of the Federation Council of the presidential quota , suggested Lebedev.

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