Nurse who killed the child in Moscow, is irresponsible. To her that so she took revenge for the operation in Syria, should be treated accordingly. Taoka opinion was expressed by President’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov.
“It seems obvious, but I could be wrong, I’m not an expert and not a judge, but it is obvious that this is a completely irresponsible woman” – said Peskov, as quoted by the “Interfax»
“I think that for any words that come from such a deranged woman, you need to properly treat”, – he added, but noted at the same time, it is too early to draw conclusions on the causes of Bobokulovoy action, the investigation of the case continues
He reiterated that he supported the decision of the federal TV channels not to show scenes of the murder.
February 29 in the apartment of one of the houses on the street of the People’s Militia in Moscow after extinguishing the fire was found decapitated body of a little girl. Then, near the metro station “October field” was arrested wearing a hijab woman who was holding a severed child’s head and threatened to blow himself up (later the engineers found no explosives on the spot).
Presnensky court in Moscow on Wednesday reviewed the petition of the investigation, which is requested to elect a citizen of Uzbekistan Gyulchehre Bobokulovoy preventive measure in the form of arrest. The court granted the petition of the investigation and arrested Bobokulovu two months – until April 29
Meanwhile, the network has a video with part of the interrogation of the citizen of Uzbekistan Gyulchehry Bobokulovoy suspected in the brutal murder of a child in Moscow. Media reports suggest that this is a police shooting. During the interrogation, a woman admits that religious and would like to live in Syria, and the terrible crime committed out of revenge for the killing of Muslims in Syria. Father Gulchekhra Bobokulovoy reported that the Uzbek authorities have arrested in Samarkand, his 19-year-old grandson, the eldest son of the woman. Relatives of the young men said they did not know the reasons for his arrest.
On the eve of the media reported allegedly found in the mobile phone contacts Bobokulovoy two people who could consist of extremist organizations. Later, the RF IC has denied this information.

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