Saturday, June 25, 2016

FSO asks to give her another 240 square kilometers at the “Zavidovo” –

Federal Protection Service (FSO) asked the Russian government to hand over her territory near the State National Park “Zavidovo”, where the residence of the president is. It is about 24.5 thousand. Hectares in Konakovo and Kalinin district of Tver Region and Volokolamsk, Lotoshinsky and Klin district, Moscow region. Thus, the total area, which will be administered by the FSO to increase by 20% – up to 150 thousand hectares, writes “Novaya Gazeta”

As the project order , prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Federal security Service, the security zone will be established in the said territory. The document notes that the protection zone is created “in order to prevent adverse human impacts on the National Park and the surrounding land and water bodies.”

Included in the border zone areas will not be withdrawn from the owners, landlords and tenants, promising authors of the document. At the same time in the buffer zone will be prohibited any activity that could harm nature, including mineral exploration, “placing radioactive, chemical and explosives”.

“This is a buffer zone with less stringent than the national park, the protection regime we have a lot of reserves, which do not have a fenced-off areas, and there their creation comes with a large crash is understood that the “Zavidovo” just more lobbying capabilities to shape such a zone, “-.. commented RBC head of the protected areas of Greenpeace Russia Mikhail Kreindlin program.

State complex “Zavidovo”, which is the residence of “Rus”, was established in 1992 by decree of President Boris Yeltsin. In 1996, for the “Zavidovo” was assigned the status of residence of the head of state. In “Zavidovo” includes protected areas, military camps and units to ensure complex activity. The area is managed by FSO and complex financed by the budget allocated to the FSO.


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