Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mercedes is not overtaken by “KAMAZ” – Kommersant

Mercedes is not overtaken by "KAMAZ" – Kommersant

According to preliminary data, 11 Ukrainian citizens were killed and five others were hospitalized as a result of a traffic accident this morning on the highway P-185 in Alexeyevskoye Belgorod region . The circumstances of the accident are specified. Local police opened a criminal case under part. 5, Art. 264 of the Criminal Code (violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, resulting in the death of two or more persons). Law enforcers believe that the driver of the van could not fall asleep at the wheel.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Measures in the Belgorod region, 6 hours and 55 minutes in the operations center department received reported accident in Alexeyevskoye area on the road Belgorod-Pavlovsk. At the scene was sent to guard the fire station №35, ambulance crews, the traffic police. Total on-scene staff of 25 and seven pieces of equipment.

The press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region made it clear that the collision and the minibus Mercedes Benz truck occurred between the villages and the Soviet Osadchaya. According to preliminary data, a foreign car with passengers moving in the direction of Belgorod Rossosh. “On the part of the road Belgorod-Pavlovsk bus driver made a trip to the oncoming traffic, where there was a collision with one of three heavy trucks moving in the opposite direction”, – reported in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The ministry noted that “this part of the road straight roadway peskosolyanoy treated with a mixture of” why “it is likely that the cause could be a co-driver inattention minibus”, maybe he fell asleep at the wheel. However, “the circumstances of the accident are clarified,” a criminal case for violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, resulting in the death of tw o or more persons.

As told “Kommersant” a source in one of the departments in the cabin all foreign cars were 14 passengers, presumably citizens of Ukraine on their way to the border with the Luhansk region. In the opposite lane moving column “KAMAZ”. “When the van drove into them, the drivers of the two trucks departed from the collision, and the third, obviously, this was not possible. Died at the scene the driver cars and nine passengers, another woman died on the way to raybolnitsu Alexeevka. The rest of the victims were hospitalized: two women were in intensive care, one woman and two men, including the driver of the truck – in trauma, “- said the source” b “.

According to traffic police the Russian Federation, for 11 months of 2014 in the Russian Federation recorded 4.3 thousand. industrial accident caused by drivers of buses. This is 9.5% higher than a year earlier. In these accidents killed 251 people (-7.7%), 6.4 thousand wounded. People (3.8%). The growth of the accident there in 2009, in 2012 this problem attended to Prosecutor General’s Office sent a proposal to the White House, in particular, to tighten liability for bus drivers and carriers. The State Duma then promised to introduce compulsory licensing of transport and close holes in the laws that allow for transport to draw “their own needs” (in this case, no permissions are required).

«Here, much depends on the Ministry of Transport, legislative activity which leaves much to be desired – the first deputy chairman of the Committee on State Building Vyacheslav Lysakov.- I hope that together we this year will close this issue. I think I need to be more legislation to limit the maximum speed at which can move buses and trucks ».

traffic police, in turn, regularly conducts raids on offenders among bus drivers . In Karelia, for example, in February revealed many drivers who drive without including the dipped headlights, or talking behind the wheel of the bus on the phone. Nevertheless, such accidents occur quite frequently. On February 3, Rostov-on-Don was once two accidents caused by drivers of buses, in which people were injured.

Andrei Tsvetkov, Voronezh; Ivan Buranov


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