Monday, February 2, 2015

Russian Library Association Library will INION – RIA Novosti

Russian Library Association Library will INION – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, February 2 – RIA Novosti. Russian Library Association (RBA) will provide the necessary assistance to the victims of the fire of Moscow Library Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) RAS – but first you need to wait for the conclusion of experts damage assessment, told RIA Novosti President Vladimir Firsov RBA.

A strong fire, which began on Friday night, raged INION more than a day. The area of ​​the fire was two thousand square meters, the roof collapsed over an area of ​​thousands of square meters, as well as part of the outer wall.

“RBA, of course, will help. In what form – yet very difficult to say. I negotiated with the management of the library, with the leadership of the Institute. Today, as I literally ten minutes ago, talked with the director of the library, the library staff in the room and not allowed “, – said Firsov.

According to him, while it is impossible to assess the damage from the fire, for this you first need to understand the “what part of the fund suffered and to what extent it can be restored.” In addition, while the uncertainty surrounding the safety of the server library. In total, according INION leadership, in the main building of the library was stored 10 million units, another 4 million – in the branches, which are not affected by the fire.

Firsov said that resources INION unique. “I am a philosopher by training. When I was educated, I could not imagine their studies without the library INION – analytical reviews, analysis of our sources, foreign, on the philosophy of social science. This is a tremendous resource for any social scientist, and now and humanities in the broad sense – the president said the RBA. – Now what can I do? First of all, must be some clarity. Then we can begin to coordinate action to replenish the lost funds. This is mandatory copy and duplicate fund libraries that are part of our association. At the RBA has also the possibility to attract the best professionals to assess the damage, to develop a strategy to eliminate the effects and consequences of the liquidation “.

” Today on the site RBA opened a special page where accumulates the most up to date information about the tragedy and the possible forms help INION – continued the spokesman. – Every tragedy – is the need to draw conclusions. In this catastrophe irremediably what was unique. And there are such documents, the library INION. “He also stressed that the RBA to maintain the position” that the electronic copy of all published in the Russian Federation should be kept in at least two national libraries (the Russian state and the Russian National Library) “.

RBA was founded in 1994 and is an association of organizations related to professional librarianship.


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