Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Russian opposition quarrel “Spring” – to Pravda.Ru

Russian opposition quarrel "Spring" – to Pravda.Ru

Russian liberal opposition is moving from words to deeds. After a series of conferences – both in the near and far abroad, and in the center of Moscow – “fighters against the regime” matured to a new march. The action is scheduled for March 1, called anti-crisis march “Spring”.

On the eve of the opposition warned Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin to march down Tverskaya Street on the appointed day. Naturally, no special effects “warning” will not have.

Generally speaking, the application for the action must be filed no earlier than 15 days before the event. That is, in the middle of February. Certainly the case will result in the harmonization process, the usual in such cases. And, most likely, no marches – though spring, though crisis – on Tverskaya will not. Though claimed 100,000 members. But along the boulevards to Sakharov avenue – the usual route – the opposition may well take a walk.

But in fact, the route march – the question is not the most important and interesting. There is another problem.

It is not the first month of the Russian opposition leaders talk about the “catastrophe in the economy.” Black colors do not regret – that, in fact, was quite predictable. Prophesy the inevitable collapse of the regime – it does not require any extra effort. Vaughn, former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov (now co-chairman of the RPR-Parnas) devotes ten years “regime” is two or three months, then two or three years to exist. Depending on the situation. And nothing, it continues zaniyatie as if nothing had happened.

And as much as his party colleague Boris Nemtsov said and written about the ruble and rising prices – accounting can not be.

It is not clear why the need to enter the “anti-crisis” march there now? More precisely, March 1.

It is true that on the most important in the action in the camp of the organizers of the disagreement. Alexei Navalny, along with Nemtsov kasyanovskoy-RPR-Parnassus is considered the main socio-economic issues.

But Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the “Apple” is considered a major focus on “the immediate cessation of the war and aggression against Ukraine.” By the way, part of the former head of Yukos in the preparation of the action is more virtual. He hardly meet come from Switzerland to Moscow. But under each statement on the subject it will be to remember – a fact.

In the “Apple”, as usual, went their own way. “The anti-crisis march – an attempt to please the authorities zamylit anti-war theme”, – declared party leader Sergei Mitrokhin. Could not resist the temptation to still run the stone in the garden Navalny …

Among the other – possible – appear admission requirements of the march of the opposition parties in the elections, reduction of the “military-police spending,” “cancel useless product kontrsanktsy.” The pain of losing jamon, apparently, still not letting go.

It should be noted that in the Russian capital last year were several “peace marches”. But the desired effect had no effect. Resonance barely enough for the day of the event. So “rebranding” translated into “anti-crisis” theme is quite understandable. But whether this will help at times to increase the number of participants?

In general, you should pay attention that the action is not declared as Moscow (and, perhaps, St. Petersburg), and the All-Russia. Although the emphasis is on the fact that Moscow organizers expect to take to the streets of at least 100 thousand people. And, admittedly, will withdraw. In the sense that what would have happened in reality – five, ten, twenty thousand – declared will still be about one hundred thousandth the march. And even more. But do not dare to predict because sometimes a flight of fancy accountants opposition is striking in its immensity.

Well, as for the “All-Russian” … As a rule, is closer to the day of the march in Moscow on this well forgotten. Judging by the way things are going now, observance of traditions in this sense is not in danger.

See also:

“Fifth Column”: on tour in Vilnius

The dollar has called to fight

“March” dreary imitators

Anton Kulikov


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