On the national road No. 8 in the area of Bialystok police patrol stopped the car, which was ahead of a dual continuous. As said tvn24.pl one of the officers, “maneuver was so dangerous that the cars coming from the opposite direction had to flee to the side of the road.” The driver of the car was a deputy Jacek Żalek.
Chief of Police spokesman Insp. Mariusz Sokolowski said that the police will ask the Speaker of Parliament for permission to pull a Member of the responsibility for the failure to comply with regulations.
Żalek refutes allegations of police
Deputy Żalek, however, claims that it has not committed any offense. It was while “shocked incompetence of the police officers on patrol.” Also reports that did not exceed the double yellow line, and the truck itself pulled over so as not to obstruct traffic.
– The police claimed to have a recording of my alleged offense. I could not watch it, and it objectively decide who is right. Wylegitymowania the constable refused. Therefore demanded appears on the site of her supervisor. I was denied this right – MEP argued in an interview with tvn24.pl.
He also said that the police allowed him to leave, when it turned out that he is a member, and the constable was “extremely aggressive”.
Another offense Member?
police relations, however, shows that this Żalek did not want to show driver’s license or registration certificate . He showed while a parliamentary legitimacy, and therefore the officers had to complete the intervention.
Jacek Żalek immunity resigned a year ago, on a traffic offense he had committed. It is still protected by parliamentary immunity, but except in the case in which he was deprived of it.
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