Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fighting at the intersection. He beat a passer, because that reminded him –

Fighting at the intersection. He beat a passer, because that reminded him –

To fight occurred at the intersection of Tarnogórska and Opole, Gliwice. The passerby was standing at the traffic lights turned golf driver that moment before przytarł mirror in another car. – The verbal reprimand golf driver reacted aggression. He came running together with their passengers to relieve “insult”. Everything happened in front of many witnesses and surveillance cameras – says Marek Słomski, Gliwice police press officer. The perpetrators were digging a passer throughout the body.

Thanks to the quick reaction of one of the men and urban monitoring, offender to answer for beating. 20-year-old gliwiczanin – golf driver – already heard allegations. Stopping his two companions is only a matter of time. They face up to three years imprisonment.



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