Ever since soured relations Kaczynski and Rydzyk, and solidarity with the united Polish Law and Justice, in Toruń media are increasingly active nationalists. Recently their leader met with Father Tadeusz Rydzyk. Not for the first time and once again not only as a guest on the television or radio.
Winnicki: Poland (not) only for Poles
The leader of the National Movement also advocates for what he should get punched in the face, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, explains why the Polish right says a lot about sex and lists the errors that in his opinion, made Donald Tusk in Ukraine.
Winnicki is in talks to ensure that the Movement activists were trained in the school of media Rydzyk how to work with journalists. Only last month the leaders of the Supervisory Board were also displayed in Torun media more frequently than in the past two years.
– Thanks to the Radio and Television Trwam Mary nationalists, young patriots can not comment, defend your business against a massive attack demoliberalnych media – whether government or opposition – said Winnicki “Election”.
Trwam TV will broadcast on multiplex
the Lux Veritatis Foundation – broadcaster TV Trwam – received a license to broadcast on the first multiplex.
Trwam TV started broadcasting on the first multiplex April 27, 2014, the Settled contest is the last to broadcast free of charge and the public in the context of digital terrestrial television.
Television Father Rydzyk applied for a license to broadcast on MUX 1 for the second time. In the first competition NBC rejected the request of the Lux Veritatis, arguing that the financial situation did not provide the foundation of a successful outcome.

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