part with Polish, but not parting with your Friends, The dream and The projects. I do not want today to go back to the negative memories, which is why I write just enough that despite my career and numerous successes never feel like we are at home – wrote on his profile facebookowym Peter Tymochowicz – informs
My dear and life and professional success was not strewn with roses, met on her many friends, many supporters, but also often a lot of meanness, disinterested envy and incomprehension and contempt. I had the impression that in every office I am a mortal enemy of the state, that optimism and kindness is unknown and rather widely condemned state of mind – adds the expert.
Specialist image that helped both Janusz Palikot, Marian Krzaklewskiemu, Janusz Palikot or adds that Poland it was and is alien to his country, a foreign house . Notes, however, that it will sometimes appear in the country because he has a few friends here and valuable customers.

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