Friday, August 15, 2014

President: We live in a world where power means more time … –

President: We live in a world where power means more time … –

The President noted that the Polish Army Day is an opportunity to recall that freedom is not given once and for all, you need to constantly protect, strengthen and cherish. – We are responsible for the strength of the independent Polish state, for his army. We are jointly responsible for the strength of the North Atlantic Alliance, which joined 15 years ago, in the framework of the Polish road through regained independence. The end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact changed the world for the better. We have in this its important Polish participation “- said the president, noting that reminded of this recently the leader of the free world, who came to Warsaw for the celebration of election victory June 4, 1989.

Not everyone can enjoy the freedom

– Russia-Ukraine conflict clearly showed, however, that not all the nations of the region can live safely. Not everyone can enjoy the freedom stable – supervisor said the Armed Forces. According to him “you can see that the armed conflict is still a harsh reality of Eastern Europe, and not just exotic conflicts on distant continents. ‘”

– Because it’s in Europe came to the annexation of the Crimea. It was in Europe provide support to armed separatists. It is in Europe, shot down civilian passenger plane with children on board. That is why the world needs to stop living in delusion – still too early to declare that the nobility triumphed over violence and armed conflict is the only piece of bad memories, painful history – stressed the President.

Tradition victory over the Bolsheviks

– Violence – as we see – is unfortunately still used method of execution, achieving political goals. We still live in a world where the power is, at times more than the right. These events disturb us and evoke the difficult, painful memories of history. In such a mood celebrate today the Feast of the Polish Army, which grew out of the tradition of Polish victory over the Bolsheviks in 1920 – he added.

– We want good relations with all its neighbors, including neighbor Russia, but we also want security. So we have to be ready to defend the Republic, because nothing encourages potential aggressor as weakness stalked the victim, because nothing deters potential aggressor as a strong state and courageous society. And courage never lacked the Poles and the Polish army has always been the pride of the nation – stressed the President.

Increasing spending on defense is a good decision

In his speech, the President referred to the situation in Ukraine. He recalled the Latin sentence: si vis pacem, para bellum – you want peace, cook for war, indicating that it is still current. According to Komorowski today you can see that in many of the “challenging conversations and debates allies” were right, warning against a military threat. – Rightly upominaliśmy for further strengthening of NATO. We have taken in 2001. Good decision to increase their defense spending at a time when other allies such expenditures have been reducing. Rightly, we have taken decisive course for the technical modernization of the army and to promote proobronnych attitudes of Polish society – said Komorowski.

He noted, however, that you can not rest on our laurels. – Not the time to impose ‘self-righteousness of the decision once made. We have the proven way to go further, go faster. Therefore, today, thanking the allies, particularly the United States, as evidence of solidarity with the countries of Eastern Europe during the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, we want to give a clear signal that we will continue to insist on reinforcing the eastern flank of the Alliance by the presence of troops from other countries, and through advanced basing their equipment and logistics – stressed the President.

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