Friday, August 15, 2014

President of the generals: the soldiers have the right to be well led – Republic

President of the generals: the soldiers have the right to be well led – Republic

 President Bronislaw Komorowski

President Bronislaw Komorowski

Source: Fotorzepa

author Jerzy Dudek

Modernization of the army is not only investments in technology but acquiring and maintaining knowledge – said on Friday President Bronislaw Komorowski, handing promotions of generals and admiral. He stressed that the soldiers have the right to be well led.

In the courtyard of the Belvedere promotions received 13 officers, among them Chief of General Staff Mieczyslaw Gocuł. Since Friday is a “four-star” general.

– Modernization means not only investments in technology, not only the means to acquire further foothold of knowledge, skills, but it also must mean the accumulation of knowledge, acquiring and maintaining sources of this knowledge and the inspiration that has influenced and flows into the next – said Komorowski.

He believes that you can be proud of the technical modernization of the army. – But at the same time we can not lose sight of the fact that one of the elements of a very important achievements of the 25th anniversary of the army of an independent, democratic Polish also gain experience without loss of previous sources of knowledge – stressed superior forces.

vanced generals and admirałom president recalled that “the soldier and the army as a whole has a sacred right to be well commanded.” – It is with such conviction soldiers when you need to, go in mortal combat. It is with such conviction soldiers practice on the ranges. In the belief that they are in good hands – said Komorowski. Vanced officers wished to “that rule were faithful,” and meet the requirements.

At the ceremony the President said goodbye too generals who this year left the service. – Come here to talk. A tear in the eye turns, when saying goodbye to friends of soldiers, commanders, with whom time is not always easy times, marching through these 25 years Polish freedom – turned to them Komorowski.

The President mentioned last quarter as the time great effort and great work. – It was also a good time of fruitful work. Its fruits we gather today, enjoying an independent homeland of modernization Polish army, reinforcing the position of our country in the international arena – rated Komorowski. He stressed that the success of the 25th anniversary of the soldiers have participated.

Promotion to Lieutenant General received on Friday, the commander of the 2nd Mechanized Corps in Krakow. Gen.. Janusz Adamczak. Although the body ceases trading, but Adamczak – according to unofficial information from the management MON – soon will include a high position in the structures of NATO.

Promotion to the rank of general division received three officers – commander of the 11th Armored Cavalry Division Lubuska in Sagan gen. Brig. Jarosław Mika, commander of the 12th Mechanized Division in Szczecin gen. Brig. Marek Mecherzyński and Special Forces Inspector General. Brig. Peter Patalong.

The degree of Brigadier-General received seven officers from the Army and Air Force, and the corresponding degree of Rear Admiral – a Navy officer. Brigadier generals were Deputy Commander of the Air Operations Center Col. Slawomir Zakowski and the head of the Operations Centre Defence, Colonel Peter Nidecki.

Most of the first promoted to general rank and Admiral commanders brigades, wings and flotilla, usually appointed to these posts in recent months. They are: Col. pil. Miroslaw Jemielniak (3rd Airlift Wing in Powidz) Colonel Wojciech Kucharski (21st Brigade Riflemen in Rzeszów), Col. Andrew Kuśnierek (2nd Mechanised Brigade in Złocieniec) Colonel Wojciech Lewicki (3rd Brigade Radiotechniczna in Wrocław), Col. pil. Dariusz Malinowski (2nd Tactical Air Wing), as well as commander of the 3rd Flotilla Commander Miroslaw Mordel that was Admiral.

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