Friday, August 15, 2014

Shaded pole own body. Parents hero collect tribute … – TVN 24

Shaded pole own body. Parents hero collect tribute … – TVN 24

Photo: Marcin Obara / PAP | Video: tvn24 The parents of an American soldier Linda and Robert Ollisowie arrived to Polish

will probably the most important guests of the parade. To Polish parents came an American soldier who died in defense of the Polish base in Afghanistan. Staff Sergeant Mike Ollis hid his Polish colleague own naked breast before the explosion. During the celebrations of the Polish Army, his parents have to pick homage.

It was the biggest attack on Polish troops in recent history. Detonation and a half tons of explosives loaded in a truck, caused a huge shock wave, but mainly grabbed a 20-meter embankment hole and opened the way for bombers Polish base in Afghanistan.

To attack the base of Ghazni admitted the Taliban. During the fighting 10 Poles were injured, one of them died after a few days in the hospital the USA in Ramstein, Germany. Also killed seven Afghan soldiers and policemen who repulsed the attack. Also affected civilians – seven people were killed and about. 50 were taken to the hospital. Shielding Polish colleague that day killed Michael Ollis.

The parents and two sisters Ollis arrived in Polish. On Thursday met with the Minister of National Defence Tomasz Siemoniakiem.

Defence Minister said that this was the day on which the Polish and American soldiers “faced the most difficult attempt.” – We all have in mind August day, when the base was attacked Ghazni. Sergeant Michael Ollis showed the highest heroism and supreme dedication. In Poland, this information has made a great impression on the public – said Siemoniak.

“We wanted to be part of the story”

– Do not hesitate to, we wanted to be part of this story, we are pleased that we’re here – said Linda Ollis, mother of a soldier-hero.

Michael’s father, Robert, unable to hide his emotions thanked for hospitality. He said that after the death of the son of his family received many letters with words of support and appreciation. – I met with Lieutenant Cierpice. Now I feel that it is not only the Polish soldier, my brother and part of our family. It’s really a great man – said Ollis.

He died saving …

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They will meet with the soldier, whose son saved

Ollisowie spend several days in Poland, will be on parade in Warsaw, during which they receive tribute, and Krakow will meet again to the officer, who fought with their son and he met his death. It was he who last year handed to them in the United States Polish military decoration.

– For this you can not prepare. I met with them like second parents – said Charles Cierpice, soldier, whose shaded Ollis.

was awarded posthumously

Michael Ollis served in the 10th Mountain Division Army of the United States. Posthumously, he was awarded as one of the highest honors the American combat – Silver Star. Last year, President Bronislaw Komorowski gave Michael Ollisowi Star of Afghanistan and head of MON – Gold Medal of the Polish Army.

Polish soldiers completed the operation in Ghazni province. Stationed only in Bagram. Ghazni was the main base of the Polish contingent of ISAF since 2008. Was last changed, consisting mainly of soldiers of the 10th Brigade Logistics from Opole, counts up to 500 people, and its main task is to complete the metastasis of people and equipment into the country.

Author: KLO / Soft / Source: TVN 24, PAP


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