Sunday, February 22, 2015

Moscow Antimaydan caused mixed feelings – Fresh news today. Latest news online edition of “Fresh-News”

Moscow Antimaydan caused mixed feelings – Fresh news today. Latest news online edition of "Fresh-News"

On Saturday, the newly formed Movement “Antimaydan” held in Moscow march under the slogan: “The Year of the Maidan. Do not forget, do not forgive “, which ended with a rally in the square, which, ironically, called Revolution Square. The event was covered by all actively pro-government media. So, NTV reported that, although the application for action mentioned 10,000 participants, people came twice. Police said that action had 35,000 people.

Bikers and Chechens

«We must protect their freedom of American democracy. Let them spend their Maidana in Washington “, – told reporters biker Surgeon. Next to him at the head of the column was the former deputy of the Party of Regions Oleg Tsarev. Was a colony of the Chechens with placards “Putin and Kadyrov will not allow Maidan”, the Cossacks and other.

Correspondent BBC BBC noted that many of the participants organized a ride on the buses. A journalist of “Novaya Gazeta” Natalia Zotov enrolled in the participants of the meeting and get a 300 rubles (at current exchange rate is about $ 5).

In the theme Shary not see bullfinches on the march Antimaydana

The march caused a negative assessment even many media loyal to the Kremlin. “We should not overestimate the degree of adequacy of these people. Do not think that everything can be controlled. Eternal historical mistake to believe that all buy, intimidate construct. We construct. But that’s where this system will move once – the question. Do not need to make drastic action if that is not the situation requires, we should not give rise to hatred, and so when she spilled a lot in the air. No need to remind some social strata of their political significance. In Russia, it is a bad practice, “- writes in an editorial Herald.

« Some people ask, what’s the point “Antimaydana.” Explain: the estimates are writing fee per participant – 600 rubles to 300 participants are given “10 old women – have a ruble.” Some, such as Kadyrovites generally come free, but the estimate is still going. Plus drank advertising costs, transportation, accommodation, visual agitation. According to the results of the organizers who flatlet who – machine who, at the shallow level – ayfonchik “- the site says Russian nationalists” Sputnik and Mayhem “, which is actively supporting the separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Source News , taken from

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