Saturday, January 10, 2015

Gorbachev: NATO expansion violated the European security system – Grani.Ru

Gorbachev: NATO expansion violated the European security system – Grani.Ru

NATO’s eastward expansion violated the European security system. About this ex-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said in an interview with Der Spiegel. So he replied to a question about Russia’s new military doctrine, declaring NATO as one of the main threats to the country.

Gorbachev called the current actions of the alliance in Europe violation of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and the 1990 Charter of Paris.

The former president believes that one of the underlying causes of the current conflict in Ukraine is the sharp collapse of the USSR. At the same time, according to the politician, to impose on anyone a greater or lesser share of the responsibility for the outbreak of the conflict should not be. Gorbachev called for an immediate ceasefire and restoration of degraded areas the efforts of the international community.

According to Gorbachev, mutual economic sanctions harm both sides. It was also wrong to exclude Russia from the “Big Eight”, says Gorbachev. According to him, a number of key issues in relations between Russia and the West – the loss of mutual trust.

“Moscow no longer trusts the West, and the West does not believe Moscow – said Gorbachev. – This is terrible.”

At the same time, Gorbachev suggested that President Vladimir Putin has resorted to authoritarian methods. Gorbachev considers unacceptable harassment Progress Party leader Alexei Navalny for criticizing the government. Also, ex-president of the USSR criticized the current Russian personnel policy, when appointed to high positions occurs “out of friendship.”

At the same time, Gorbachev sure that democracy in Russia is not lost, as the new generation has grown and “turn back time, impossible.”

On December 10 article in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” Gorbachev said that as a result of the Ukrainian crisis world could face serious consequences.

“The situation in Europe and in the world is extremely alarming. Ukrainian crisis continues. Efforts to resolve it inadequate to the danger that threatens us all” – wrote Grobachev. The result of the Ukrainian crisis he called “catastrophic decline in the level of trust in international relations”, and diplomats from both sides “are set on long-term confrontation.” “This is extremely dangerous. With this heat of passion, as of now, we can not survive these years: someone can not stand the nerves,” – said the former president.

According to him, the key to resolving the conflict could be a summit between Russia, the EU and the United States “on a broad agenda.”

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