Sunday, February 1, 2015

Alexei Navalny ready to urge their supporters to vote for the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Communists – Bulletin

Alexei Navalny ready to urge their supporters to vote for the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Communists – Bulletin

Alexei Navalny is going to create a list of single-mandate, which will recommend for the vote in the elections to the State Duma in the case of non-participation in them, the Progress Party. The proposal was made by opposition on Sunday at the VI Congress of the Party.

Bulk acknowledged that the probability of admission of his party in the elections is low. According to him, in 2016 can be used scheme implemented on the Moscow City Duma elections: « We will hold primaries, putting people ?? and the list of candidates will be removed, leaving two or three, which have no chance. ” In this case, the party members will deal with the question of who to vote for, and this recommendation will give the applicant 10-20% of the vote, believes Bulk. Therefore, he proposes to create a list of candidates in all 225 constituencies ?? the most appropriate and with the high traffic. « So we can help Communist Party or ?? Just Russia ?? who do unacceptable things and we called the fifth column, but our goal ?? deprive ?? United Russia ?? majority in the State Duma, “?? explains the opposition.

A member of the central council of the party Leonid Volkov also considers it necessary to maximize the political damage to power: « In 2011 consequence of the slogan « No votes ?? United Russia ?? became massive fraud and ?? wading ?? activity. Now, too, need such a strategy ?? even if there are three bad candidate, you need to choose the least bad and call to vote for him ».

The idea of ​​a united opposition single member of the list is discussed for a long time, said co-chair of « RPR-Parnassus” Boris Nemtsov: each party must submit their nominations by districts, and if they are crossing, then hold consultations, assessing the chances of candidates. However, to support the candidates of the opposition system Nemtsov and « RPR-Parnassus” is not going to: « The Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Communists ?? it’s all the same ?? United Russia ??, support them, we did not agree. “

urgent need for compiling such a list is not, says political analyst Mikhail Vinogradov: « Question about the candidates rather technical, since the potential due to Navalny was his appeal and the fact that he is a pole of attraction. Obviously, the Bulk wants to model both scenarios ( admission to the polls at the last moment, or non-admission), « at the same SRs or communists will distance themselves from him in every way ».

Source « Vedomosti” close to the presidential administration, said that the party Navalny will not be claimed by the voter, and the mayoral election, he received his maximum. Theme of the struggle against corruption intercepted the Russian Popular Front, recalls the source and « attack Navalny is only a close circle of the president and corporations that someone obviously interfere ». « To participate in politics chance to have everyone that registers the party and go to the polls, and if it is impossible to register, do not hide behind political slogans “?? says a source.


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