Sunday, February 1, 2015

Navalny party will seek to participate in the elections through protests – RBC

Navalny party will seek to participate in the elections through protests – RBC

On Sunday, the congress “Progress Party” gathered delegates from 62 regions – party members, mostly young people 25-35 years old, crowded into the small hall of the Moscow office of the Fund to fight corruption and plunged into the phone. On Twitter and Instagram feeds immediately appeared dozens of photos leader of the “progressives” Alexei Navalny.

«I am still under house arrest, a chairman of the Schrödinger – Bulk began with a statement of the ambiguous state in which he appeared and and his party. – We are, in some way, the party members in an irregular situation. ” He stroked a two-week stubble, joking that she – the attribute of his illegal status, and adding that after 11 months of isolation doubly glad to see all of.

Party Schrödinger

In the year since the last Congress, “progressives” have registered, as required by law, separation of half of Russian regions, but have not been included in the Ministry of Justice register of organizations eligible to participate in the elections. Office and did not recognize the correct number of documents from the offices. A Bulk spending nearly a year under house arrest after a conviction on the “case” Yves Rocher “(3.5 years probation) found himself free to move and cut the bracelet FSIN. Power ministry insists that Navalny is still under house arrest, which was the last time was extended to him on December 19 last year, the same position on January 27 was confirmed by the Moscow City Court.

Navalny was to deliver a report on progress they work as leader of the party, but instead describe in detail the details of legal battles, through which in 2014 had to go to him and his associates. It dragged instead allocated regulations 10 minutes per hour Navalny said.

Perhaps because of the weakness of the opposition movement “Progress Party” is not just equal, and often a leading partner in the opposition coalition, announced leader. He admitted that the ratings of the party unnoticed by the federal TV channels, may be at the level of the parliamentary opposition. Addressed the delegates from the regions – one of them blamed on Navalny metropolitan snobbery which he feels within the organization – Bulk asked them not to hang on “Progress Party” label “vnutrimoskovskoy” party.

From this label party leadership freed directly at the meeting. According to the results of the electronic vote (it was attended by 443 members of the party of 691) of the Central Council of “progressives” has been extended from 7 to 10 people, it includes three Regions of Moscow, Vologda and Sverdlovsk regions.

« We are ready to talk with all the people of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok to Uralvagonzavod … We are not a bit ashamed to work in the corners, where the opposition is not working. Yes we can, and in the Crimea “, – said Navalny. He later explained that expressed figuratively: his party did not create a branch in the Crimea, because the attitude to join this Ukrainian region his associates ambiguous. However, according to Navalny, and in the Crimea there is a wish to create a cell of the party.

The party that is friendly to all

From the keynote speech followed Navalny, that party members should not limit themselves to cooperation with other political forces. “We will continue to require admission to the polls. But we understand that the probability of failure is very high, “- admitted member of the opposition. He suggests that the State Duma elections in 2016, when the party will not be able to nominate their own candidates, it will point to his supporters, for whom they should vote. According to his calculations, this support will give the candidate an increase in the 10-25% of the vote. If there will be three bad candidate, we will choose the least bad, he said.

How will the selection of those who will be ready to Navalny associates support in the party do not yet know. “We are now building a system. The contours are not understood, “- said the opposition. While it is certain that within the party primaries will be held to determine their own candidates.

He also expects to nominate members of the “Progress Party” from having the registration of friendly parties RPR-Parnassus and “Apple”. However, he admitted that in the last elections in the Moscow City Duma, this tactic has failed: RPR-Parnassus does refused to participate in the campaign, but the party “Apple” did not include in its list of members of the “Progress Party”. However, the party does not exclude the possibility of a boycott of the elections. “What would happen if all elections canceled altogether? What is the meaning of our existence? “- Asked the leader of a delegate from Smolensk. “The meaning of our existence is not that we have a license. We are a group of like-minded, without our being a little what happens “- Bulk dodged.

The rally instead of elections

In case of inability to participate in the elections Navalny World do have an alternative plan. The main task for the party – to create stress for the authorities, he recalled. He therefore considers it necessary to focus on the organization of mass protests.

«Power itself made it so that the only possible dialogue with it is built on the street … As long as we are through public events do not make them include us in the papers, they will not include us, “- he said. Navalny said that the party would assume the role of organizer and coordinator of the opposition rallies and protests formulation requirements. According to the leader of the Moscow branch of the party Lyaskina Nicholas, the “progressives” it will turn out better than the Coordinating Council of the opposition, elected in 2012 for these purposes, but without any success lasted only a year. “If we were in the COP, we’d still be arguing date and slogans rally on March 1, and we already are working in the regions”, – said Lyaskin. On this day Navalny supporters intend to hold in Moscow and other big Russian cities “Crisis March”, his first requirement – to allow the opposition to the election.

«W hat if regions are not able to organize mass actions?” – Asked the delegate from Sverdlovsk Ekaterina Petrova region, which became part of the Central Council of the party. “Nobody knows,” – said Navalny back and smiled broadly. Came from the regions of party members shared the fear that they could gather from 30 to 100 people at the rallies in different cities.

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