Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cannon: US and EU “overworked” in isolation of Russia – BFM.Ru

Cannon: US and EU "overworked" in isolation of Russia – BFM.Ru

This is a lose-lose, but a dangerous game, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the State Duma

The US and EU “overworked” in the isolation of Russia, chairman of the Committee on International
Affairs of the State Duma Alexei Pushkov.

«US and the EU played in” isolation “of Russia. It is losing, but a dangerous game “- wrote gun in his Twitter.

See also: gun does not rule out Russia’s withdrawal of the Council of Europe Earlier, Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov said that he sees the prospect of lifting of economic sanctions against Russia in the European Union in the summer of 2015.

The relations between Russia and the West have deteriorated because of the situation in Ukraine. At the end of July 2014 the EU and US sanctions passed from point to measures against sectors of the Russian economy. In particular, the US and the EU imposed sanctions against a number of Russian financial institutions, effectively sealing off the western capital markets.


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