Sunday, February 1, 2015

Vyacheslav Volodin, the upcoming elections – Club Industry Journalism

Vyacheslav Volodin, the upcoming elections – Club Industry Journalism

In September 2015 The election is scheduled governors, legislators and some Russian State Duma. If you look at previous elections, we can confidently say that the main indicator of this process are not the number of votes, and the belief in the process. Even if the post is running only two candidates, one can observe a good competition. At the same time, a large number of competitors to low competition.
Volodin said that the need to create in this area a good competition, and it is not necessary to reduce, not allowing the process of someone who is not suitable for some reason. Declining legitimacy of the electoral campaigns affect the refusal to participate in the election of members of the parliamentary parties in some regions.
Just Volodin said that faith in the electoral process is created on the basis of the faith of citizens in government. It’s hard to work when that trust is not formed initially, but that it would strengthen the need to hold a con versation with the public authorities.

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