Sunday, February 1, 2015

Vyacheslav Volodin: elections must be competitive, legitimate and transparent – Express-News

Vyacheslav Volodin: elections must be competitive, legitimate and transparent – Express-News

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01.02 | 16:56

This year in September, elections will be held fourteen governors, eleven legislative assemblies, as well as twenty-five city councils. If we analyze the elections that took place the last time, it is important to note that the main indicator – it is not the interest and confidence in the electoral process. Proper competition can be observed even if only two candidates, and perhaps such as weak competition celebrated in the presence of more than a dozen willing to take a certain position.
 Volodin said that it is important that in politics really created the perfect conditions for competition. In no case can not narrow the competition, is not allowed to participate in the election of those who do not like it for any reason, or at all based on personal beliefs. He noted that it is extremely important to recognize that to reduce the legitimacy of the election campaigns primarily influenced by the fact of non-participation of representatives of the parliamentar y parties in certain regions.
 First deputy Kremlin administration stressed that the credibility of the elections is formed on the basis of trust citizens to the government itself. Of course difficult to work in an environment where trust has been eroded at an early stage, but it is the basis of his talk is strengthening the authorities and society.


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