Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Lavrov urged Kiev not point the finger at the militia, and talk to them – BBC

Lavrov urged Kiev not point the finger at the militia, and talk to them – BBC

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called on the authorities in Kiev to treat members of the militia as full members of the talks in Minsk. It is reported by TASS .

«I can not comment on the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry representatives, they make a lot of statements that end up being untrue. It is necessary to continue negotiations, rather than point the finger at Russia and militias have to talk to them as members of the negotiation process, not as those who perceived solely as some application to the contact group “- Lavrov said.

Earlier, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Yevhen Perebiynis said that Ukraine waiting from Moscow official reaction to the failure of the next round of negotiations of the contact group in Minsk.


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