Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Russians propose to introduce stringent retaliatory sanctions against the West – PiterBurger.ru

Russians propose to introduce stringent retaliatory sanctions against the West – PiterBurger.ru

In 2014, two times increase in the number of Russians who believe they have suffered greatly from the West introduced sanctions. In September 2014 it was 26%, and in January was 47% and it shows us how increased the number of respondents worry about the fact that sanctions for them in the future may create trouble. But it is also about the same amount of people in the country claim that Western sanctions will have no effect on them. This information was provided by the Levada Center.

Although the country and there is a rise in prices, and is scheduled to serious problems in the economy, it’s exactly not seriously affect the high level of support for the government by many Russians. It also emerged after the conducted survey, more than half of the people surveyed in Russia believe the correct policy of the government, despite the sanctions. Only one in five is ready to agree to what is necessary to search for compromise solutions that will avoid sanctions.

In addition, many residents support those who are ready to respond to the actions of the West to introduce tough sanctions too (34% ). Strengthen relations with the countries of the Middle East, China and India (32%). Increase funding for the Army (18%).

– The Russians there is no consensus on how to respond to these anti-Russian sanctions. There are a distribution vary, but what most Russians solidarity, so it is that Russia should not interfere in military conflict. This is clearly seen in the data of this and other recent polls. We see that the majority of Russians aware of the approach of the economic crisis, however, almost half believes that government can solve the economic problems facing the country – said sociologist “Levada».


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