Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Moscow does not believe jail – Kommersant

Moscow does not believe jail – Kommersant

yesterday accused of treason resident Viaz’ma Svetlana Davydova was released from custody. FSB investigator Michael Svinolupov unexpectedly to protect decided to change the measure of restraint on his own recognizance. Lawyers attribute this to the publicity surrounding the criminal case, they are interested in including in the Russian presidential administration. As stated by the “Y” Svetlana Davydova after leaving jail “Lefortovo”, her most worried about speedy family reunification.

Liberation Svetlana Davydova there were no signs yesterday morning. Around 10:00 lawyers, Ivan Pavlov and Sergey Badamshin went to his client in jail “Lefortovo” to participate in the investigation. “I can not tell what they were, but it was standard procedure in such cases, we worked with the investigator and said goodbye, and I went in the other cases,” – said “Kommersant” Mr. Badamshin.

Then it became known that Lefortovo court, which on Monday to complain about the arrest of Svetlana Davydova asked her protection, scheduled a hearing on February 5. Mr. Badamshin recalls that around 15:30 he suddenly called leading criminal FSB investigator Michael Svinolupov and said that lawyers must again come to the detention center at 17:00. An hour later, the investigator gave lawyers a notice of change measure of restraint Svetlana Davydova from arrest to release on own recognizance. “I still do not understand what is going on, all very strange and incomprehensible. I did not expect such a decision,” – said “Kommersant” Svetlana Davydova immediately after the liberation.

Recall Svetlana Davydova incriminated article. 275 of the Criminal Code (high treason), namely “provision of advisory services to a foreign state at the expense of the security of the Russian Federation.”

This formulation appeared in the article. 275 after the State Duma in 2012 adopted amendments to simplify the prosecution of gosizmenu.

According to the FSB, living near military unit N48886, where troops are stationed GRU Svetlana Davydova said that fighters can ferry at Donetsk, the employees of the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow. Such a conclusion is made on the grounds that the military unit has recently virtually empty. Besides Svetlana Davydova in the bus heard a telephone conversation one of the fighters of the GRU, who told me that he was going with colleagues to Moscow, “and then in small groups on a business trip, the weapon will give on the spot.”

According to Mr. Badamshina, the reason for the release of defendant was the first public reaction to her criminal case. “Svetlana – very friendly people type, whatever views they may be held and how would it act nor included: the mother of seven children, a housewife from a small town without opposition – said on.- state machine brought down on it with all their might that could not fail to impress people. ”

As reported yesterday, “b”, the initiative group has transferred the administration of the President more than 40 thousand. Signatures in support of Svetlana Davydova. Press Secretary Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, said that all of them will be studied and discussed, adding that he considered the matter “resonance”. “The review process is still going signatures, the release we have learned from the media,” – said yesterday, “b” Mr. Peskov, refrained from further comment.

In addition, a case of gosizmene taken under special control Ombudsman Pamfilova, as well as members of the Presidential Human Rights Council (HRC). Surety for Svetlana Davydov signed a number of deputies of the State Duma. Finally, the last children’s ombudsman Pavel Astakhov, the Moscow City Court sent a petition to change the measure of restraint Svetlana Davydova. Earlier, he said that the authorities will not sotsopeki select children from the husband of the accused: “We guardianship authorities have no reason to worry about the fate of children Davydova. According to media reports, custody Viaz’ma threatens children away from her husband Davydova, because he left them for two days in the care of her grandmother. This excessive and unfounded threats! ”

According to the chairman of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov, it is difficult to say that eventually led to the release of Svetlana Davydova. “It is interesting that we have visited Svetlana in jail for half an hour before the lawyers and wished her soon to be released. In its support were so many, we referred to the Attorney General about the changes in preventive measures. It is difficult to say what the straw broke the camel’s back” – said the chairman of the HRC.

According to the decision of the investigator, Svetlana Davydova is forbidden to leave the city of Vyazma, where she lives with her husband, sister and seven children. According to “Kommersant” last night Svetlana Davydova already reached the house where reunited with his family.

Gregory Mist


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