Tuesday, February 3, 2015

“This is not a victory,” why Svetlana Davydova released from prison – RBC

"This is not a victory," why Svetlana Davydova released from prison – RBC

Accused gosizmene Svetlana Davydova after his release from jail

Photo: AP

The decision to release Davydova Tuesday took FSB investigator Michael Svinolupov, told RBC her lawyer Ivan Pavlov. He immediately called a meeting of lawyers and stated that meets their petition to change the measure of restraint. With Davydova investigator took only on bail from Vyazma (Smolensk region), where her family lives, seven children, my husband and sister.

After nearly two hours after the registration of all documents Svetlana left the prison and went home. “We have organized her car, which will take her to the family. Svetlana wants first to see their children, “- said Pavlov. According to the lawyer, Davydov came out of prison with anxious thoughts. “She’s been through hell” – the lawyer described her separation from ma loletnimi children.

«This is not a victory, and a lot of work ahead,” – said RBC her husband Anatoly throat. He will wait for his wife at home with the children. According to him, the liberation of women was only possible due to the fact that her story has caused great public interest.

Commissioner for Human Rights, Ella Pamfilova also believes that it is commonly lic activity affected the mitigation measures of restraint Davydova. “If we want our society to be more human, we always have to be such a humane approach,” – commented RBC Pamfilova.

On Tuesday, the initiative group gave President Vladimir Putin treatment of 50 thousand. Signatures in support Davydova . But the question of how could affect the release Davydova position of the Kremlin, the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that he would not comment on the situation. However, he confirmed RBC receiving treatment.

Davydov was arrested in the early morning Jan. 21, 2015 in his apartment in Vyazma and taken to Moscow, where she was charged with treason (Article 275 of the Criminal Code). A day later the capital Lefortovsky court issued a warrant for her arrest. Hearings were held behind closed doors, as there are in the materials constituting a state secret. But, according to lawyers later, the court did not examine the question of whether the accused child two months.

According to the court case, mother of many children in April 2014 called the Ukrainian embassy and said that military neighboring military unit could be directed to the east of Ukraine.

After the arrest Davydov put in jail “Lefortovo”, where she was kept in a double cell with a woman charged with economic crimes. On the recommendation of defense counsel she did not appeal against the arrest, missing statutory deadlines for appeal and agreed to plead guilty.

But on Monday she changed lawyers and refused to confess. New lawyers and Sergey Pavlov Badamshin tried to appeal the arrest and filed a petition for relief appeal. Their appeal court had to consider the February 5.

As explained RBC lawyer Pavlov, now the defense to be hard work for the protection of Davydova. “We still do not understand what this Davydov said in Ukrainian embassy that caused such an inappropriate response from law enforcement agencies,” – said the defender. Earlier Pavlov told that the investigator took with him and his colleagues Badamshina subscription to disclose details of the criminal case as a state secret.

According to the analyst Konstantin Kalachev, a major factor in the decision Davydova, was the wide publicity that things took in the media. “Media coverage has turned out such that threatened to go beyond Russia. Davydova not to become a symbol of the brutal regime and not to start anti-Russian campaign in the West, the government went back on their word. Appeal to the President with thousands of signatures have been many, but not so wide media coverage on bail on such a heavy article D avydovu would not let go, “- says Kalachev.


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