Monday, February 2, 2015

The fire in the library INION: Implications of emergency affect the whole country – RIA Novosti

The fire in the library INION: Implications of emergency affect the whole country – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, February 2 – RIA Novosti. Division of the Russian Emergencies Ministry have completed all the work on the site of a fire in the building of the Moscow Library Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION RAS).

Scientists do not undertake to accurately assess the extent of damage caused by fire in the library of Moscow, describing the incident as “a catastrophe.” However, the effects of fire soon affect all institutions Library System of Russia – Russian Public Chamber is already preparing proposals Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture on the third degree.

A strong fire, which began on Friday night, raged INION more than a day. The area of ​​the fire was two thousand square meters, the roof collapsed over an area of ​​thousands of square meters, as well as part of the outer wall.

INION – the largest research centers in Russia in the field of social sciences and humanities. His collection consists of 14.2 million copies in the ancient and modern Eastern European and Russian languages, including rare editions XVI – early XX centuries.

According to the MOE, due to a triggered alarm and working properly fire line, managed to significantly reduce the damage: burned mostly upper “office” floor where there are only some of the books, the main library was saved.

Fire and water

Chapter Vladimir Fortov compared the incident with the “humanitarian Chernobyl “. Such association is, according to him, the appearance of ashes. INION building after the fire, probably can not be restored. Partially collapsed concrete structures of the upper floors, and only on the third day, rescuers removed the threat of further collapse.

Rate damage library funds is not yet possible. Initially, the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences called the approximate figure of 15% of all storage units, that is, about a million burnt or severely damaged books. In particular, in the fire was completely destroyed by a unique collection of books of the UN, which is stored in one of the rooms in the most affected part of the building, said the deputy director Dmitry INION Efremenko. Although the fire was not allowed to fire in the book depository, scientists fear that the books there were damaged by water, which for three days on all sides poured the building.

Placement of employees

According to the Ministry of Education, evacuation and examination of the remaining publications can be started only a day, and then will be known the true extent of what happened.

As reported by the Federal agency of scientific organizations, members of the burnt library will be temporarily housed in the buildings of other scientific institutions in the vicinity of the building INION .

At the moment, addressed the issue with the organization of workplaces. Administration and financial and business units INION will be placed in the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Nakhimovskom Avenue.


Law enforcement agencies are extremely sparingly comment on the investigation cause of the fire. Officials report that the fire scene investigations are conducted, experts work, and that will be checked all the possible versions. Employees engaged in the study of the building FGBU “forensic center FBS for the city of Moscow” together with representatives of the investigating authorities.

Unofficial sources in law enforcement bodies of the capital referred to as the most likely cause of the fire in the electrical fault and short circuit. For another version, a fire in an empty building could occur due to firecrackers, running from residential homes.

The version of arson, including to take over the land for commercial development, categorically denied by representatives of the scientific community . “This land, as well as the institution itself is federal property. As you know, President Vladimir Putin announced a moratorium on the land of the Academy of Sciences, so there is no sense of arson,” – said the director of the Brewers INION Yuri.

Community Initiatives

The Presidential Human Rights Council (HRC) on Monday said that the investigation into the cause of fire must be kept under public control, and suggested that the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation to form this joint working group.

In the Public Chamber, in turn, said they would enter into the composition of such a working group as well as with members of non-state security sector expertise to carry out fire libraries and cultural sites in the country.

Offers of assistance in rebuilding funds received in library from a variety of sources, including the largest libraries in Russia. Thus, a library of SB RAS (Novosibirsk) offered to provide any necessary assistance for the rehabilitation and restoration of books affected by fire, told RIA Novosti on Monday, scientific secretary Irina Guzner library.

Similar offers come from foreign scientists. According to RIA Novosti Deputy Director Vladimir Gerasimov INION, proposals for specific support received from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. “Some of the proposals received and from abroad, including from our scientific diaspora” – said Gerasimov.


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