Monday, February 2, 2015

Family Svetlana Davydova, accused of gosizmene can count on the support of state bodies – Ekho Moskvy radio station

Family Svetlana Davydova, accused of gosizmene can count on the support of state bodies – Ekho Moskvy radio station

This was in an interview with our radio station told Human Rights Commissioner in the Smolensk region, Alexander Kapustin.

The Ombudsman stated that the full information about all children Davydova, the material situation of the family, about furnished their life and not that this makes him no anxiety.

The protection of the accused in a large gosizmene mother appealed the decision of her arrest. RBC reports referring to one of her new lawyers, Sergei Badamshina. The services of a lawyer appointed by Svetlana Davydova refused. Previously, public defender argued that Davydov begged him not to appeal against the measure of restraint not to ballyhoo in the media.

A few days ago the Commissioner for Children’s Rights Pavel Astakhov, in an interview with “Echo of Moscow” said he was willing to vouch for Davydov, so that she returned home, where waiting for her seven children. Recall, the reason for the arrest of a resident of the Smolensk region was its call to the Embassy of Ukraine. The woman reported the possibility of sending Russian troops in Donetsk.


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