Monday, February 2, 2015

Society: Scientists calculate the damage caused by a fire in one of the largest Russian libraries – Sight

Society: Scientists calculate the damage caused by a fire in one of the largest Russian libraries – Sight

started checking into the fire in the building of the library of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences. Version of what happened is not yet known, unofficially reported faulty wiring or running from residential houses petard. Damage from the fire has yet to be assessed, but the library has offered assistance even from the Ukraine.

The city prosecutors launched an investigation into the fire in the building of the library of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences.

«Injured and destroyed several reading rooms, including a reading room, where there were books and publications of the United Nations»

«Fire Fighting, covers an area of ​​2 sq m. completed only today, February 2, 2015. Cause of the fire, as well as damage caused by the federal property will be determined in the near future “, – said the report of the supervisory authority.

The official version of the cause of fire is not yet known. Law enforcement sources of capital referred to as the most likely cause of the fire in the electrical fault and short circuit. For another version, a fire in an empty building could occur due to firecrackers, running from the houses. The version of arson library building scientists believe untenable.

Director Yuri INION Brewers said Monday that the version of a possible arson appeared in connection with distributed information about alleged plans of building area, which occupies the building. “This land, as well as the institution itself is federal property, and, as you know, President Vladimir Putin announced a moratorium on the land of the Academy of Sciences, so there is no sense of arson,” – said he said.

In addition, Yuri Brewers citing the head of the headquarters for fire suppression, deputy head of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (Fano) Alexander Stepanov, said that the fire is likely to happen in one of the scientific departments of the library.

According to him, the system fire alarm system was intact, which is why a signal fire on remote duty Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived immediately and the first six payments firefighters arrived at the scene within minutes. Brewers also did not agree with the words that contributed to the spread of fire dilapidated building.

The Brewers said Thu catalog library collections was not injured, and on it will be possible to verify, what books were burned, and have survived.

«In the near future we will conduct an audit of what remained. The library is a repository of the best in Europe sets of books in the humanities, especially the twentieth century “, – he said.

According to Pivovarova, library totaled 14.7 million items and second only to the Library of Congress.

Source TASS familiar with the situation said that during inspections in 2013 and 2014 in the building INION revealed violations of fire safety requirements, some of them have been eliminated. “Since they were not eliminated in time, the Institute has been fined. Later part of the fire protection measures has been implemented. In sufficient if the amount is not known, “- said the source.

As explained in INION, deficiencies were identified during the audit, and their removal Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (Fano) funded. “But their size was not enough. To install the latest fire fighting equipment needed huge finances. In addition, to replace all of the book depository system would have to be removed and somewhere to carry all the books, but then it would have just stopped working library. Stacks in this building works since 1974, and while such fire protection systems simply did not have “- told in INION.

The book depository is located on the first and second floors – two tiers at each closing doors manually. As the agency in the State Emergency in Moscow, building fire protection system includes an automatic fire alarm system, which is equipped with all the facilities, the installation of smoke detectors in the library was also installed warning system, gas fire extinguishing installation.

Scientists ask for help

Director INION also said that the library building can not be restored. However, he noted that talk about the move is premature. “We will understand what to do, how stable the building or not. One unit did not burn, “- said the Brewers.

The new” space is hard to find – in fact we had 30 thousand sq. Meters, “- said the Brewers, adding that” a number of research institutions have already offered facilities, but in this case it is necessary to disperse employees, it is not good for the job. ” He described the situation as catastrophic and said that RAS will ask for help President Putin.

According to him, the main blow was struck not even on the books. “The main blow was struck at the institute, which was the conveyor of science, and the conveyor stopped,” – said the Brewers. According to him, the institute has scientific databases, produced a lot of publications, doing their training, he had, and typography. “And it’s all out of order,” – said the director INION.

He was not able to assess the damage caused to the stacks. “It’s hard to say, some in the water, there can not enter, because it is dangerous and there is a threat of collapse,” – said the Brewers. “What remained of the books, you will have to save,” – he added. According to him, there are ways to recover materials affected by water.

The staff is not yet allowed in the library building. Along the perimeter of the building exposed to the cordon. On the ground continue to work employees of MES, the smoke from the building at the moment does not go.

At the headquarters of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (Fano) Russia in the aftermath of the fire Tass said that at the moment resolved the issue with the organization jobs for staff in key departments, centers and groups of the institute. They will be placed in a subordinate Fano Russian organizations located in the vicinity of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, such as the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute.

Hitting the humanities

On the eve of the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov said that affected 15% of the library fund. According Pivovarova, called the figure of 15% is “very rough».

Forts told that the library INION contains a unique and invaluable publication. “This library is one of the largest in the world in scientific specialty and the second largest in Moscow. There are about 10 million units of storage: the book unique, priceless, many of them in a single copy. In addition there is an electronic system that is connected with a number of institutes of the Academy, so we are talking about some very important for us to network, “- said the radio station” Moscow speaking “the president of Russian Academy of Sciences.

According to him, the library provides the basis for scientific work of almost all institutions humanities not only the Academy of Sciences, and other universities and international organizations. He added that the fixed assets of the library are stored in the lower floors, to which the flame does not get there. “But there is a real danger that during this building spilling water can damage some materials (need – ed. GM) to make sure that they did not leave the perimeter of the institution. That’s about it now works staff of the Academy of Sciences “- Fortier said.

He called a tragedy for science fire broke out. “This is a very strong impact on our humanitarian science. I repeat, the library and the institute – the central link, on which depended the work of many institutions. So I think that the situation is closer to the tragedy. Rate the final scale we can only stop working when the fire “, – said the president of the RAS.

Deputy Director Vladimir Gerasimov INION said that foreign scientists, including Ukraine, are ready to help restore the library destroyed in a fire. “If we talk about the near abroad, we have received and continue to receive proposals for specific support. Such proposals came from Belarus, Kazakhstan and even from Kiev. Some of the proposals received and from abroad, including from our scientific diaspora “- said Gerasimov. – We have lost part of the funds (due to a fire). And in their recovery can help Ukrainian colleagues ».

According to Gerasimov, experts from Ukraine can provide information at their literature. “We’re going to get from colleagues specific lists (books), proposals to transfer books. On the basis of these lists will work to build, “- said the deputy director of the institute.

Recall January 30 evening at the Fundamental Library Institute (INION) Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow Nakhimovskom Avenue caught fire. As reported by the State Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire occurred on the third floor, which is partially burned, but “most of the building managed to defend against fire».

INION considered the largest research centers in Russia in the field of social sciences and humanities. The library has the most complete, and in some cases only in Russia collection of documents of the League of Nations, the UN and UNESCO, parliamentary reports USA (1789), England (1803), Italy (since 1897) and one of the largest in Russia collections of books in Slavic languages.


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