Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Trains go by order – Kommersant

Trains go by order – Kommersant

Yesterday, President Vladimir Putin a tough sentence radically changed the policy of the Russian Railways in suburban traffic. Now the monopoly which, with the blessing of the government two years reduced the unprofitable trains have to get them back together with losses, which are not a source of compensation. According to the “Y” in the near future Russian Railways can recover only 300 routes, closed since the beginning of 2015. Translation industry to manual control can pay off the local social explosion, but how to solve the problem as a whole, it is not clear to anyone.

Yesterday, President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with government officials in Novo-harshly criticized Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and the Ministry of Transport for the mass cancellation of trains. “And we have the Ministry of Transport does not exist, or what? I think you are in charge this industry. What’s going on? This is not a bus route was canceled, trains stopped running and in the regions. What are you, crazy, or what? ” – Outraged the president. He stressed that the problem for the “thousands of people”, and ordered to immediately reinstate canceled commuter train “with a satisfaction guarantee RZD and regions to address the problem.” In response, Deputy Prime Minister admitted that the situation in the suburbs is difficult, and promised within days to submit financial proposals in this regard.

Sharp President’s speech seems surprising – protested his policies RZD holds the first year, and with the support of the authorities. Mass cancellation of trains began in 2012-2013 (326 trains) and increased in 2014, after 26 suburban passenger companies (AUC, JV JSC Russian Railways and regions) have changed the mechanism works. In 2012-2013, the regions could generate an order for the volume of traffic, but not always compensated for losses AUC arising from pricing below cost. Since 2014 the AUC began to contract, which is valid only for the paid amount.

The government supported the new approach: in May, it approved the concept of suburban complex, envisaging the responsibility of all participants in traffic.

Regions and the AUC should enter into long-term contracts (15 years), and in response, the state undertook during this period to subsidize the maintenance of the infrastructure of Russian Railways, paying 25 billion rubles. per year. If the region refused to sign a contract on such terms as the AUC have the right not to provide services (regions could abandon themselves trains in favor of buses). Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev then emphasized that “responsibility for the circulation of trains sole responsibility of the regions.” But they were in no hurry to enter into contracts with the AUC. As a result of the end of 2014 across the country has been canceled 10% of the 5.7 thousand. EMUs.

This year the situation has worsened: only in January canceled about 300 trains, 35 of them – in the Nizhny Novgorod region, 16 – in Voronezh, Orel and Kirov region, 17 – in Perm region. In Vologda, Pskov, Tula regions trains eliminated completely. According to RZD, 2015 commuting ordered only 47 subjects. Spurred the collapse of the government’s decision in 2015 to increase infrastructure charges. If earlier PPK listed RZD only 1% of the tariff for the use of means, and the rest is compensated state, now have to pay 25%. According to the Russian Railways, in 2015, lost income AUC was 21.8 billion rubles. (In 2014 – 14.7 billion rubles.), But in the regional budgets for compensation laid only 8 billion rubles.

unacceptable situation

President’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov admitted that “the existence of the problem (suburban soobscheniya– “b” ) President knows not the first year. ” “But it never came to a complete cancellation of trains, as is happening now in some regions – said on.- From the perspective of the president, it is an unacceptable situation.” At the same time, said Mr. Sands, the situation is not a “problem of the government – this is a problem Railways and regional budgets.”

source “b” in the management of domestic policy (OHR) President confirms that the issue of commuter trains was not unexpected, “the governors wrote in the treatment of Russian Railways, stated publicly about the issue head of Lipetsk , Voronezh, Ryazan, Vologda, Novgorod regions – most of the regions around Moscow. ” Back in 2014 Governor of Voronezh Region Alexei Gordeyev said: “From the Railways is pressure on us using monopolistic position. We do not see the transparency of the calculations.” The fact that the cancellation of trains creates “social tensions”, said the head of the Kursk region Alexander Mikhailov. “We are not prepared to compensate for ineffective spending” daughter “Railways. Approximately 80-85% of spending in the maintenance of rolling stock and its lease from the parent company. This is transparent to our figures, we do not recognize these numbers,̶ 1; – said in December 2014. Governor Vologda region Oleg Kuvshinnikov. Appeal to Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the issue of suburban soon send deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov. According to “Kommersant” speaker Alex Ivonin it, “even after today’s announcement of President is unclear how the problem will be solved either regions will ask for donations or Railways have to reduce tariffs.” The problems of suburban and in the blogosphere, such as “a terrible event,” the news of the cancellation in 2015, trains in the Vologda region in his blog called Progress Party leader Alexei Navalny. In this case, OHR, indicating the source “b” is only responsible for “the removal of the problem” in the information space. According to him, if the “solution of the problem” and engaged, it is only in the economic bloc, which oversees the presidential aide Andrei Belousov.

Until yesterday, public condemnation of the president, the legislature preferred to discuss the issue of peace and quiet. In the Duma theme cancel trains rose on January 19 during the discussion of anti-crisis measures of the government. According to the results of the head of the relevant committee on Transport Eugene Moskvichev said deputies “heard that the government intends to keep the transportation, it is a commuter rail.” However, specific proposals have not sounded. Last Friday, after the government hour, it was decided that the relevant committees will be sent to the government proposals for a week to settle the “crisis” issues. “Duma Committee on Transport believes that the decision of the current problem is to return to the previous model provide commuter when the main burden lay on the federal budget, and not on the regions,” – said “Y” Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Transport Sergei Ten (“United Russia” ). Whether it was executed and sent a proposal to the government, he does not know. The first step of the Federation Council (SF) on the issue will be meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Transport of senators and Russian Railways on February 19, told “Kommersant” a member of the Federation Council, Oleg Kazakovtsev, raised the topic at yesterday’s meeting of the Federation Council.

Fast support the president and the Audit Chamber, which immediately announced that Russian Railways and Transport Ministry disrupted timing railway reform in the suburbs, and the results called unsatisfactory. “State-owned company, together with regional authorities and has not developed effective measures to reduce the loss of passenger traffic in the suburban”, – the report says agencies with reference to the auditor Valery Bogomolov. Appropriate conclusions were made based on the audit activity of JSC Russian Railways and users of rail infrastructure (a copy of the report is a “b”). In response, Russian Railways late evening issued a press release in which it agreed with the assessment of the Chamber of Accounts, but noted that these results are related to the reluctance of some subjects to cooperate with the monopoly.

Chop the problem

On the criticism of the President of Russian Railways responded more speedily, saying it had already engaged in drawing up a schedule for implementation operation of trains canceled and will soon submit it to the government. In monopoly emphasized that have “everything possible to restore commuter as soon as possible.” However, a source “b” in the industry said that “as long as it is only about trains canceled since the beginning of the year.”

The head of the agency “infoline-Analytics” Mikhail Burmistrov said that the restoration of excellent trains – the only way to prevent a social explosion. “The requirement for the president to restore commuter – the apotheosis of the manual mode Vladimir Putin – said” Y “political scientist Konstantin Kalachev.- In the current political realities head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin,” above “the governors, and the government, which has been the object of criticism, it was difficult to address this issue visual signal without the president. ”

However, the “go-ahead of the president” if they lead to the restoration of commuter traffic, the problem itself will not solve. “The key question is where the government will take the money to restore the canceled trains, because everyone understands that the regions are insolvent,” – says the source “b” in the industry. According to him, discussed two options: return to the years 2015-2016 to 1% of the infrastructure tariff and VAT reduction for PPC with prescribed anti-crisis plan in 10% to 0%. In general, this will save PPK 15 billion rubles., Says the source “b”. Director of “Perm Suburban Company” Sergey Kantsurov said yesterday, “Kommersant” that the return to a reduced rate of infrastructure would be “a good push.”

“problem can be solved either by increasing rates three times, either through additional payments from the regional budget, but that’s about 500 million rubles. And that kind of money we do not have” – says the governor of the Tula region Vladimir Gruzdev. In some regions, considering the option of creating their own rail carrier, independent of Russian Railways, considering that the monopoly is clearly overstates costs. This was stated by “b” in Lipetsk, Voronezh and Saratov regions. “The situation is absurd: the cost of carriage of the passenger on the train has exceeded the cost of travel by taxi”, – says Alexei Gordeev. Audit Chamber offers a centralized tariffs in suburban transportation on the basis of the FTS (now in every region of the authorized service tariffs are calculated, and the local authorities say it), believing that only she can “objectively” to calculate the cos ts. But the source “b” notes that while a general regions will be charged the full responsibility for the commuter.

Julia Galliamova, Sophia Samokhina, Natalia Korchenkova, Andrew pepper; Vsevolod Inyutin, Voronezh; Sergei Petunin, Saratov; Irina Pelyavina, Perm; Early Olga, Tula


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