Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Putin returned escaped trains – BBC News

Putin returned escaped trains – BBC News

The meeting in Novo-Ogaryovo Vladimir Putin strongly criticized ministers for the situation that has developed with the commuter rail. New principles of contractual relations between local authorities and Railways led to the fact that in some regions reduced the number of trains. And in some places, for example, in Pskov and Tula regions, they disappeared altogether. The head of state demanded to restore the train immediately.

“We live in the XXI century and have no way due to the cancellation of suburban trains to get to the district center to buy medicine, visit the hospital!” – Complained about the inhabitants of many regions.

Such video messages are now coming from dozens of Russian regions. Because of debts and litigation between the local authorities and hand Railways have not found anything better than to completely stop commuter.

“For God’s sake, please – the train is empty! Grandchildren ride, ride husbands and students themselves are freezing. Do something. We ask you, our entire Tesha “- turning to Moscow entire communities.

The movement of trains in the region should be restored immediately. At a meeting with the president of the Cabinet strongly criticized the government for what it is, in principle, to prevent massive cancellation of suburban train once in a number of areas.

In total, since the beginning of the year in the regions ceased to ply hundreds of trains.

“It’s not one bus route was canceled – outraged Vladimir Putin. – stopped going to train in the region. Are you crazy or what? Look, it’s just even frivolous approach. The same is true of thousands of people. This applies to production, people go to work, or do not go there. What is it? Do not be done in advance? “

On February 1, 2015 completely canceled all trains in the Pskov region. 33 railway route abolished in Kursk and Orel regions. In the Penza region of 40 routes are only 10 stops the movement of suburban trains in the Vologda region. Shortened route railway route network in the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions. Serious problems with commuter traffic in the Trans-Baikal region.

Somewhere alternatively try to run a bus service.

“The village does not know how to get there. Train was removed, to us now not to get “- noted in rural areas.

But not everywhere is expensive, and where he immediately take as many buses?

The government, said Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, has prepared a set of urgent measures Restoration movement of trains: reduce the VAT for suburban and allocate additional money from the federal budget.

“We believe that the vast majority of routes to be restored and preserved. In general, the problem intend to solve for one month “, – said President Arkady Dvorkovich.

” You are offered a range of measures. And that it could not be used to provide? The government is doing what, when entering the appropriate standards when supported by changes in the relationship between the regions of the Russian Railways. We are after all the money provided for the corresponding 25 billion in the previous years. Schedule was built work. Hence, it was necessary to ensure that the schedule or perform timely or provide money. That we have the Department of Transportation does not exist or what? There are, in my opinion, you are in charge this industry, right? What happens? Commuter rail connections must be restored immediately. With a satisfaction guarantee RAO Russian Railways, the regions to address the problems. Or, if there where they are not able to do it yourself, you need to adjust it so that it was done. But done immediately, “- set a target of Putin’s government.

” Vladimir Vladimirovich, we’ll do it. 25 billion rubles will be allocated this year in full. No delay from this point of view there. I for one day offer financial solution that will ensure the restoration of the message, as you said, “- assured the President, Vice-Premier of the Russian government.

” Look, wait. Restore needed immediately. This is one of the most important components of the normal functioning of the regions – the rail link suburban trains. It is clear that decisions have been made in advance by the fact that the regions should be prepared for this. And they have a huge responsibility too. But it is necessary to coordinate this work. All, let’s stop the discussion. I ask to do it immediately. I repeat again, “- Putin said.

Direct rail services will begin shortly and the Crimea. It starts with the construction of the bridge Kerch – vehicular traffic will start in December 2018. During the preparation of the project it was possible to reduce the price by 19 billion rubles.

“How many lanes, a final decision?” – Asked Kerch bridge head of the Russian state.

“The four lanes. Two in one direction and two in another. And two lines, two railway thread “- explains the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak.

” The same one or the other way? “- Says Putin.

” Yes, one and the other side “- confirms Kozak.

The meeting discussed in detail the situation in the social sphere. Pensions since early February increased soon – another increase.

” Since April 1, will be held indexation of social pensions by 10.3 percent. This will be the first month of February, when our pensioners will receive a pension almost more than a thousand rubles, “- said the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Russia Maxim Topilin.

The Ministry of Health reported that the time to prepare for the increase in drug prices.

“First of all, we have implemented, managed to carry out in 2014 all centralized procurement of drugs for 9 months. We covered every September, everything is bought, “- said the Russian Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova.

Now for the main Ministry of Health – the fight against the coming flu. Some members of the cabinet already at the hospital.

“The government can not cope with the flu, in my opinion, – Putin joked. – Losses carries. But sick to work please do not go! This is already without jokes “.

But, based on the current orders of the president, they will have to work and at home. In less than an hour after the meeting, it was reported: Railways begins restoration of train traffic.

More information on the subject. Watch the video

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