Monday, March 23, 2015

Media: Head of Sakhalin become governor of the Amur region – Express-News

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23.03 | 23:23

In the near future Horoshavin Alexander, previous positions Sakhalin Governor, who was accused of taking bribes and arrested leave from his post. To date, hard to tell exactly will this step voluntarily or by court order or the president, but the leadership of the Russian Federation, apparently, after his dismissal disputes that have arisen around the company’s successor is not in a hurry. To date, the question regarding the acting governor resolved almost completely. Most likely, will be sent to Sakhalin Kozhemyako Oleg, who served as governor of the Amur region. The head of the Amur region for more than a week in the capital, but yet significantly, nothing is impossible to argue.

It is noteworthy that Oleg Kozhemyako quite a lot of experience in the Far East. He was born itself in the Primorsky Territory, later represent their region in the Federation Council. After that, he decided to run for governor of Kamchatka, was also the head of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. The head of the Amur region Kozhemyako began in 2008. In the event that his appointment will be officially approved, it will be the first in the history of Russian civil servants, who led at different times of the three regions.


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